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Seminar on interface on new concepts of education held


Imphal, August 11: As a part of the campaign ‘Aphaba Maheiroi Puthokshi, Aphaba Khunnai Oihansi’, a day long state level seminar on ‘Interface on new concepts of education in Manipur’ was held at Manipur press club.

Organised by the Pangal Students’ Union, Manipur, various resource resource persons deliberated on how to improve the education system in the state. Prof Nabakumar moderated the seminar.

Speaking as resource person, Dr. L. Danabir, social scientist said that firm determination, sincerity, hard work and sacrificing spirit are essential qualities a student should possess to shine in life. Nowadays, these qualities seem to be absent from the  students.

Stating that development means development of human mindset, but not tall buildings, mobile phones in pocket, he opined that the industrially backward state could be developed through developing human resource. As yet, the state doesn’t witness any dedicated politicians who sincerely work for education and welfare of the students as well, lambasted he.

Dr. Riyajuddin Sheikh, Associate professor, department of physics, DM College of science expressed concerned on students losing in morality, discipline comparing to the students in the past.


In past, students worshipped teachers like God, were seriously obeying the advice of the teachers. Such tradition is more now with passing of time with losing of discipline and morality on the part of the students, he said and suggested the necessity to revive such tradition in the present context too.

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