Home Self-Employment Others CRED – In the service of the of the people

CRED – In the service of the of the people


They roam around the lanes and by-lanes of Imphal to collect waste material and garbage from different houses and shops on their mini trucks. When they signal with the ringing of a bell, people come out and load their waste material on their mini trucks. Then they ditch the garbage at Imphal Municipal Council dumpsite. This is how workers of CRED serve the people of Manipur.

Centre for Research on Environmental Development (CRED) is a venture which aims at maintaining a clean environment. CRED was jointly formed by Ph. Aryabatra of Yumnam Leikai, L. Hemchandra of Naoremthong, T. Leikhendra, H. Basanta of Khagempalli, I. Chandramani of Tera, L. Rajesh of Naoremthong, L. Chaoba Devi of Naoremthong, G. Dinamani of Yaiskul and Chinglenkhomba.

Initially, CRED was formed with the objective to check pollution of Nambul river as people generally dump waste material in the river. Initial days were said to be quite hard for them. They started their venture with the contribution from the members and the amount received from a local saving marup.

Interacting with the Manipur Times, secretary of CRED, T. Leikhendra said, “We started our activities by collecting solid waste materials using a rickshaw from door to door. For collection, transportation and disposal of the solid waste, we charged Rs30 per household at the initial at stage. At present, the organisation charges Rs70 in residential areas while Rs100 in commercial areas. About 200 workers are employed by this organisation. The organisation can earn around Rs5-6 lakh per month at an average from collection, transportation and disposal of garbage. If more orders for extra trip come, more revenue is earned. We have been appreciated from all walks of life with good public support for the service provided by us”.

At present, CRED collect solid waste materials from 5706 households of Uripok Yambem Leikai, Uripok Machin, Moirangkhom, Yumnam Leikai Chingamathak, Chingamakha-1(North), Chingamakha-II (South), Singjamei Thokchom Leikai, Bamon Leikai, Wangkhei, Lambulane, Paona Bazar, Iroishemba etc. Moreover, CRED also provide service to RIMS Hospital, Thoubal Hospital, Manipur University and Leimakhong Army camp, Leikhendra said.

In recognition to the activities of CRED, the organisation was awarded Green Club award 2012 by Green Club Foundation, New Delhi.

Leikhendra said, “CRED is dedicated to the development and empowerment of under-privilege groups, especially rural and tribal families through grassroots action, research and education. We see the status of the local natural environment as the key to development process”.


According to Leikhendra, poor and marginalised people are generally dependant on environment for survival. So, a damaged natural environment will hit the most vulnerable groups of the society. In this light, CRED started a decentralised solid waste management scheme in Imphal Municipal areas. The project is believed to have two positive effects – it improves the local environment and at the same time offer continuous employment to individuals from socially and economically disadvantaged groups.


The non-profitable organisation has taken up a mammoth task of cleaning up the environment. Different campaigns have been launched; policy of stick and carrot has been applied to a minimum extent when needed. Constant vigilance is very much needed to rectify the loopholes, Leikhendra said and added that whenever required CRED seeks help from other departments. Since CRED deals with the health hazardous material, extreme caution has been taken up to prevent from contamination and mixing of bio-medical waste with general waste by using protective gear and segregation of waste. The problems related to waste cannot be solved single handedly by an organisation or an institution. It can be solved through multi-pronged mechanism which should involve government machinery, private organisation and above all public participation, Leikhendra said.

CRED was established on 20th September, 2000 and got registered under Manipur Societies Registration Act 1989 with a view to keep appropriate development of vulnerable communities and sensitive ecosystem in the state. The philosophy of integrated environmental management- the appropriate development on the principles of equity, effectiveness and efficiency were the main motives of setting up of CRED. Since then a number of social activities programmes and awareness has been conducted in the public interest for a prospective outcome.


The centre has installed more than 1000 waste collection bins at various spots for public convenience. 20 collectors/field staff, 10 skilled labours, 170 skilled labourers and seven drivers are employed for collection, transportation and disposal works of garbage. For the transportation of solid waste, CRED has one tricycle, five 407 Tata mini trucks, and one Di Tata dumping van.


Collection, Step-1: Door to door awareness campaigns on health impacts from domestic waste and appraisal about the services of CRED on domestic waste collection at doorsteps.

Step-2: Every consumer is provided with two different coloured waste bins for primary collection of domestic solid waste.

Step-3: Consumers are requested to segregate their waste at the source for bio-degradable and non-degradable by using the provided two coloured bins.

Step-4: Doorstep collection of waste material by using public auto system and door to door compassing technique.

Transportation, Step-5: The solid waste materials are transported from the households to the dumpsite by using tricycle careers which is designed with two separate chambers for bio-degradable and non bio-degradable wastes. With increasing the quantum of waste generation day by day, transportation system has been modernised by using four-wheeler vehicles.

Disposal, Step-6: Solid waste collected are dumped with soil covering at landfill side where the operational and maintenance is taken care by Imphal Municipal Council authority.

CRED has also been undertaking the task of sweeping, mopping, segregation, collection, disinfection, storage, transportation, treatment and final disposal of the hospital waste by stationing 80 men at RIMS, 18 staff at Thoubal District Hospital. It provides service for 24 hours in three shifts – morning, evening and night.

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