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The Two Days National Seminar on “Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges & Remedies” Concluded


The Two Days National Seminar on “Excellence in Higher Education: Challenges & Remedies” organized by the Maharaja Bodhchandra College, Imphal and sponsored by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore concluded on April 19, 2013 at the college premises.

 In the Panel on “Excellence in Higher Education: The Prospects” four resource persons presented papers. Dr. Sangeeta Angom, Assistant Professor, National University of Education and Planning, New Delhi spoke on the topic, “Evolving nature of Higher Education in India and its preparedness in Manipur”. Dr. Ganesh A. Hedge, Assistant Advisor, NAAC, Bangalore, spoke on the topic. “NAAC & Higher Education”. Prof. N. Lokendra Singh, Registrar, Manipur University, Canchipur spoke on the topic, “Career Advancement of Teachers: Role of Funding Agencies”. Shri. P. Sharatchandra Singh (Retd. IAS), and Former Principal Secretary, Government of Manipur, spoke on “            Challenges of Higher Education in Manipur and Suggested Interventions”. The panel was moderated by RK Ranjan Singh, CDC, Manipur University, Canchipur. The panel was followed by two technical sessions. On the session on “Teaching Profession, Growth, Technology& Funding Agencies”, seven scholars presented papers. It was Chaired by P. Sharatchandra Singh. And in the session on “Ethics & Accountability and Conflict & Education”, which was Chaired by Dr. Dhanabir Laishram, eleven scholars from different colleges and universities in Assam and Sikkim presented papers.

The Seminar concluded with the Valedictory Function. Dr. Th. Manihar Singh, Principal, M.B. College, was the Chief Guest. Certificates were distributed during the function to the participants of the seminar.

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