Home Make in Manipur Willong Area Handloom Cluster

Willong Area Handloom Cluster


Willong Area Handloom Cluster was founded in 2014 as a registered society under the leadership of Isaac.

Total number of employees working under this cluster is about 30.

Area of operation: Willong Area , Senapati

Business connections

Business contact person:  Isaac

Phone number: 8732063446

Email id: NA

Website: NA

Facebook page: NA

Webpage: https://manipurtimes.com/Willong-Area-Handloom-Cluster

Available Products: Waist Coat, Bags, Mufler.

Products available at a) Business Address and b) Online

Product Images

These products are listed here under the theme of “Make in Manipur online campaign” initiated by Maniputimes 

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