Home PR and Events Press Release AMAND Pune and MSAPjointly observed the 125th Patriots Day on August 13,...

AMAND Pune and MSAPjointly observed the 125th Patriots Day on August 13, 2016


The Association of Manipuri Diaspora (AMAND) Pune and the Manipur Students’ Association, Pune (MSAP) jointly observed the 125th Patriots Day at the Auditorium of ELTIS-SIFIL, Symbiosis International University, Model Colony Campus, Pune on 13th August 2016.

Floral tributes were paid to those Martyrs of Manipur who made their supreme sacrifices to protect their motherland during the Anglo Manipuri war in 1891 on its 125th Patriots’ Day. More than 150 attendees paid their homage to the departed souls.

Smt. Rashmi Shukla, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Pune and Mr. Shirish Sahasrabudhe, Director, ELTIS-SIFIL, Pune graced as Chief Guest and Guest of honour respectively. Lt Gen L N Singh, VSM **, Comdt., Military Intelligence Training School & Depot, Pune presided over the function. Maj K Y Singh (Retd.), President, AMAND Pune welcomed the dignitaries, invitees and members highlighting about the martyrs and the importance about the Patriots’ Day observation. Smt Shukla mentioned about the significant sacrifices made by the martyrs for the freedom of motherland. She also stressed the importance about the co-existence of all the communities here in Pune. Mr. Shirish lamented about the contributions made by Manipuri war heroes against the colonial British rule. He also talked about the involvement of SIU in bridging the bond between the NE people and the locals in Pune. Gen Singh mentioned about the collective effort of the people of Manipur during the Anglo Manipuri war in 1891 irrespective of different castes.

In addition to the floral tribute to those martyrs various programs like recitation, singing, quiz on the theme “Patriotic and freedom struggle” were performed.

The program was concluded with votes of thanks proposed by General Secretary, AMAND followed by screening of famous drama “Bir Tikendrajit”. We duly acknowledge and appreciate to all individuals and media houses in Manipur (ISTV, Impact TV) for their contributions who made the program a great success.

The program was well coordinated by Kulabidhu Chanam.

Press Release from AMAND, Pune


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