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Corporal Momocha Ningthoujam Indian Air Force (Security) is posted as a Special Forces operative and responsible for operations and training in an Air Force Garud Commando unit. He was one of the operatives inducted to undertake rescue operations in the flood affected areas of J&K.

On 08 Sep 14, while undertaking Rescue and Evacuation operation in Srinagar, Corporal Momocha was winched down on a conical roof top of a house. From this precocious position he started evacuating civilians. When he had hardly evacuated three to four people he noticed that the adjacent three storied building was collapsing and there were some civilians stranded in it and were desperately asking for help. He sought permission to go to the house for rescuing them which was initially denied considering the direct threat to his life. However, after hearing the persisted pleas of Cpl Momocha, the Captain of the helicopter granted permission for him to move in. The brave air warrior was immediately winched down, went inside the semi-submerged house and rescued all four trapped civilians to the roof top. In this he carried one paralyzed old lady and two very small kids on his shoulder to reach the winching spot. While winching up was in progress, the house started collapsing under the force of swirling water. Disregarding the threat to his life, he managed to evacuate all of them from the precarious and dangerous situation. Corporal Momocha displayed courage of the highest order while rendering selfless service to the nation.

For act of exceptional courage and professionalism, Corporal Momocha Ningthoujam has been awarded with Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry).

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