Home News & Article MT News MANIREDA (Chairman, Chief Minister Ibobi) Anomalies in Solar Street Lamps Tender Process?

MANIREDA (Chairman, Chief Minister Ibobi) Anomalies in Solar Street Lamps Tender Process?


A serious allegation has been raised against MANIREDA officials by submitting an complaint letter to Chairman, MANIREDA/Hon’ble Chief Minister, Manipur for a kind intervention and justice in the interest of general public and firms concerned, that the contract to unqualified M/S Philips for supplying solar street lamps which would be installed in all the 60 Assembly segments of Manipur under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission must be disqualified from the tender as per clause/Para 12.2. This complaint letter was submitted to Chairman, MANIREDA/Hon’ble Chief Minister,Manipur by Yumkham Bireshchandra Singh, Proprietor, Shiv Shankar Solar Systems (Channel Partner of  M/s Swastik Enterprises, Kolkata) with copied to Chief Secretary and the Vigilance Commissioner, Government of Manipur but no response is forthcoming until today.

As per the tender opened on October-3-2013, 6900 solar lamps of 9 Watt for 60 Assembly constituencies & 3 Parliamentary constituencies would be installed in rural areas, and five firms were participated in the MANIREDA tender namely (1) M/s Swastik Enterprises, Kolkata (2) M/S Digiflic Controls, Bangalor (3) M/s Sunshine Power, Kolkata (4) M/s Aditya Solar, Noida & (5) M/s Philips, Kolkata. Of which, other two firms namely M/s Aditya Solar, Noida & M/s Philips, Kolkata should be disqualified outright because (i) M/s Aditya Solar, Noida is not a channel partner of MNRE & (ii) validity of Channel partner of M/s Philips, Kolkata has been EXPIRED on 27.7.13.and hence no longer a channel partner on the date of opening of Tender(on 3/10/13 ) and therefore must be disqualified. It was mentioned in the complaint letter that in violation of tender Bid and clear case of manipulation, M/s Philips was made qualified giving more than 60 scoring points which needs documentary proof to support their scoring. It is also mentioned that MANIREDA chose to send sample testing at one centre only namely SEC, Gurgaon. The test report of SEC, in a suspicious manner, gave positive report in favour of M/s Philips only whereas test reports of other firms were negative one way or other. It further mentioned that the test report of SEC is doubtful because SEC favoured M/s Philips in the previous tender testing also to the effect that Corrigendum was issued in favour of M/s Philips by converting negative result to positive results whereas the same opportunity was not given to others. This very tender has become jinx cancelling 3 times in pursuit of effort to qualify only one Firm and to suit it, every calculation seems being made at the higher level by either manipulation or by making tailor made specification, terms and so on.

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