Home PR and Events Press Release Petition – Dialogue for Peace in Manipur Submitted to JACAATB and JCILPS

Petition – Dialogue for Peace in Manipur Submitted to JACAATB and JCILPS


An online petition on Change.org which was supported by 500 plus people of Manipur, from different walks of life, has been submitted to both the leaders of JACAATB at Churachandpur and JCILPS at Imphal today, the 20th June 2016. A memorandum was also submitted to the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary, Govt. of Manipur, requesting them to mediate between the two parties.

The campaign was initiated to end the ongoing impasse between JCILPS and JACAATB.  More than 500 people belonging to different communities who want to restore the peaceful communal harmony between various communities in the state have signed the petition, urging both the groups to have a dialogue and sort out the differences.

We the signatories believe that dialogue is the only means to sort out the differences so that peace is restored.

The names of all the petitioners and the petition are enclosed in the next page in herewith.

Quotes from JCILPS and JACAATB:

The Chief-Convener of JACAATB Mr H Mangchinkhup said: “There has been no initiative from the Manipur Government for any dialogue for the last 6 months. We are open to any dialogue with JCILPS.”

The Co-Convener of JCILPS Mr Md. Kheiruddin Shah Moijingmayum said: “So far there has not been any initiative from Government of Manipur. Of course, want to go for a dialogue with JACAATB.”
Quotes from campaigners of this petition:
“I was very worried about the present turmoil in Manipur, the growing mistrust between the communities and the possibility of communal violence. I saw dialogue between the communities as the only way to ease this turmoil and bring about an amicable solution. I also saw that many people shared this same opinion, but our individual voices were not getting heard. Looking at this, I pitched this idea of a petition to my friends and jointly started this petition.”

– Devakishor Soiraisam, one of the campaigners of this petition said.

“We are not activists, we are not Civil Society Organisations, we are not influenced by the state or non-state actors, we are just ordinary common men like you and him and her, who see what we all see, and feel the urgent need for a dialogue between the spearheading committees of hill and the valley for an amicable solution.”
Ringo Pebam, another campaigner said.

Quotes from the petitioners:

We also enclosed some of the quotes from among the signatories:
“I am a daughter whose mother belongs to a tribal community and father who belongs to a Meitei community and to my knowledge all I can say is that there has been a huge gap of miscommunication among the various communities of Manipur which can be solved through a peaceful talk and this would be a great start.
– Diana Elangbam, who signed up at the petition’s webpage in Change.org commented.

“We have been living together for centuries. No reason should allow us to live apart from each other.”
– Kenny Sialloa, another petitioner commented
1). Soft Copy of the memorandum enclosed herewith.
2). Soft Copy of the petition enclosed herewith
3). Soft Copy of the petition with names and comments of the petitioners can also be had from: https://www.change.org/p/joint-committee-on-inner-line-permit-system-jcilps-dialogue-for-peace-in-manipur
4). Scanned copy of the acknowledgement of JCILPS and JACAATB on the receipt of the petition enclosed.
5). Scanned copy of the acknowledgement of Chief Minister and Chief Secretary. Govt. of Manipur on the receipt of the memorandum enclosed.
6). Contact Persons: Devakishor Soraisam: 8415921309, Ringo Pebam: 9900723316

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  1. let emancipate n let no room be left from any lack of participation of concerned stakeholders. Understanding and sincerity a must.

  2. Amicable solution and amicable bills it should be give and take or win win situation, Meeteis should understand that Number is not the solution but mutual friendship and communal harmony and peace with out fighting. Meeteis should refrain hate business with Mayangs as we are all lazy people.

  3. Amicable solution and amicable bills it should be give and take or win win situation, Meeteis should understand that Number is not the solution but mutual friendship and communal harmony and peace with out fighting. Meeteis should refrain hate business with Mayangs as we are all lazy people.

  4. The meera paibi on dt 19th of june at phaidingga got snatch the goods from my bro at d time of coming to bihar in the bag it contains note book, ghee ,tealeaf, fair n lovely, dove soap n shampoo, toys for child, they promished to return back but only few beings return the rest they kept it’s this right way 4 demand of ILP.


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