Home PR and Events Press Release RPL Certificates was Distributed to the certified trainees of North Tripura District,...

RPL Certificates was Distributed to the certified trainees of North Tripura District, Tripura


16th August 2018 : PMKVY is the flagship scheme. It is implemented by National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) under the guidance of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). With a vision of a ‘’Skilled India’’, MSDE aims to skill India on a large scale with speed and high standards.

Under PMKVY, special focus is given to RPL by recognizing prior competencies of the assessed candidates and provides a certificate and monetary reward on successful completion of assessments. RPL is an important step towards getting formal acceptance and respect for informally acquired knowledge and skills. Recognition brings respect, increases productivity, creates options for growth through RPL. It is a platform to provide recognition to the informal learning or learning through work to get equal acceptance as the formal levels of education.

Under this scheme, Chanu Creations, Thangmeiband, Imphal has been trained RPL-PMKVY to 150 weavers (including 5 male weavers) of North Tripura District in the job role ‘‘Two Shaft Handloom Weaver’’ from 27th March, 2018 to 28th March, 2018 as PIA under NSDC. There were 3 batches in total. The assessment of the trainees was held on 29th March, 2018 by The Assessors Guild (TAG), Jaipur an assessment agency assigned by Textile Sector Skill Council (TSC). The objective of this Skill Certification Scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youths to take up industry-relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood. RPL also shows them a path to bridge their current knowledge and skill levels to reach a competency level or go for higher skills for professional growth.

Today the 16th August, 2018 the certification ceremony for the certified RPL-PMKVY trainees of North Tripura District, Tripura was held at Dewanpasa (Dharmanagar). Altogether 149 certified trainees were awarded RPL certificates at the event. The programme was attended by Smt. Usha Singha Pradhan Dewanpasa Gram Panchayat, Smt. Chirom Indira Proprietor/CEO Chanu Creations (National Awardee 2015, Nari Shakti Puraskar Awardee 2017, DMA All India Women Entrepreneurs Awardee 2018 & Vasundhara Hall of Fame Awardee 2018), Smt. Probha Rani Acharjee Secretary Mahila Morcha, Shri Bimal Biswas President Dewanpasa Booth Committee and Shri W. Joyshankar Luwang Project Manager Chanu Creations were grace the function as Chief Guest, President and Guest of Honours respectively.

By giving women skills and new opportunities, we can unlock their full potential and enable every woman to find a new meaningful place in society. It is truly gratifying that the efforts of Chanu Creations bring smiles to thousands of women weavers in the region and moving towards the fruitfulness tomorrow’s generation with a new identity.

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