Home News & Article MT News “San Changae Nae” sixth solo album of K. Bobin (Bin) released

“San Changae Nae” sixth solo album of K. Bobin (Bin) released


“Yoo Nang Keidou Leirammi ”, “Bimola Bimola – Network ta longae”,

 “Mapa Leitraba Machasae” and this time its “San Changae Nae” some stroke of excellence from Singer K.Bobin towards the social cause where Bobin box to punch out the real issue through his song for everyone to have a light moment understanding the problems the State is facing.

His latest album which was released today at Press Club, Majorkhul in a humble function was attended by various representatives of civil society organisation, professors of Manipur University, senior Journalists and fans.

The song “San Changae Nae” is based on the influx of illegal immigrants and the consequent threat to the indigenous population of the State.

The invasion of the illegal immigrants in the State over the period of time has become an issue. As the number of illegal migrants rise in number it became a mixed culture where the migrants have started to find their root to erect a strategic inhabitation and settlement in the climatically favourable State with an affordable cost of living even for the labourers from distant lands.  

They started earning huge money through labour and saving and in due course of time they have started acquiring land.

Attracted by cheap accommodation and affordable food the search for livelihood for many poor labourers from various States has found their place in the State.

Mention may also be made that many labourers were pushed out from the national capital few years back. A similar situation has arisen and people have started to raise their voice and the legislators are targeted to implement the inner line permit which is a strategic work of the legislators in the past for regions bordering China and vicinity to check immigrants as there was constant war between India and China.

The issue of Illegal immigrants and the consequent misemployment of the indigenous populace is reflected in the song where Bobin try to persuade the native to start engaging in various work the immigrants are holding up in various fields including street food vending, opening saloon and cobbling.

The number game is a problem as the indigenous population is few lakhs and there is a chance of possible extinction and dominance by migrants than the original settlers as in the case of Tripura where individuals coming from West Bengal had dominated the State and now the administrators and policy makers belong to the immigrants and the native people have become minority.

“My song tries to reflect the real issue behind illegal migrants by symbolic representation of chasing away cow that invaded (trespass) the vegetable garden, paddy field and mess up one’s residence.

They occupy land in the distant village without paying tax and built their houses in different part of the State. Thus the threat has become a real issue. Some of the illegal migrants are found involved in pity crime for quick cash.

We need some regulation and the movement the public is building up is in right sense and I would like to draw the attention of the policy makers to actually work on the matter in quick time to prevent further problems”, says singer Bobin.


All Manipur Working Journalists Union President Wangkhemcha Shyamjai, president of AMMIK, Representatives of various civil society organisations, Academicians and fans were present during the function.

It is a good initiative of the singer who has been reflecting and drawing social attention through the medium of music as one would feel enlighten to the issues through light entertainment and passing on the real issues to all walks of life in the society expressed the dignitaries and well-wisher of  K Bobin (Bin).


The music album was screen during the releasing function and the video album was distributed.

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