Home PR and Events Press Release Successful surgery for PDA done at Shija Hospitals

Successful surgery for PDA done at Shija Hospitals


HealthCity, Langol, 17th August 2016: A 5 year old young girl with congenital heart disease was successfully operated at Shija Hospitals, Langol recently. A team of doctors led by Dr. Sidartha Lukram, Consultant Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon performed the surgery successfully. Dr. Sidartha mentioned that it was a case of exceptionally large PDA (Patent ductus arteriosus) producing a huge 1 cm shunt (a hole or a small passage which moves, or allows movement of, fluid from one part of the body to another) between the Aorta (main artery in the human body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and distributing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body) and the Pulmonary artery (artery which carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation).

In PDA, abnormal blood flow occurs between two of the major arteries connected to the heart. Before birth, the two major arteries-the aorta and the pulmonary artery-are connected by a blood vessel called the ductus arteriosus. This vessel is an essential part of fetal blood circulation. Within minutes or up to a few days after birth, the vessel is supposed to close as part of the normal changes occurring in the baby’s circulation. In some babies, however, the ductus arteriosus remains open (patent). This opening allows oxygen-rich blood from the aorta to mix with oxygen-poor blood from the pulmonary artery. This can put strain on the heart and increase blood pressure in the lung arteries.

The young girl was suffering from chronic respiratory tract infection, failure to grow and right sided heart failure. The newer and safer method of extra pleural approach was done in this case without any bleed and injury to the vital nerves. He also said that such complex surgeries can be performed with the help of dedicated team of anaesthesia and paediatric intensive specialist available round the clock in the hospital and a well equipped ICCU. Dr. Sidartha also said that such kind of surgeries can now be performed in the state with ease and patients need not go outside for treatment.


Shija Hospitals Press Release


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