Home PR and Events Press Release VWSC to operate water supply schemes in Tamenglong

VWSC to operate water supply schemes in Tamenglong


TAMENGLONG, Sept 12-The Village Water Sanitation Committees (VWSC) have formed to operate and maintain the water supplies programmes and sanitation programmes in their respective villages in the Tamenglong district.

This was stated by GaijinglungThaimei, Assistant Engineer, Public Health Engineer department (PHED) Tamenglong on Thursday during the technical session on the second day of the undergoing three days Bharat Nirman Public Information Campaign about the flagship programs of the Central government at Tamenglong headquarters.

So far VWSC have been formed and engaged for the water supplies programmes and sanitation programms in 28 villages of the hill district, says GaijinglungThaimei,Assistant Engineer of PHED.More than 100 villages have also applied for the said programmes where the department will provide most of the required materials and equipment for the purpose.

The said VWSC will also monitor the maintenance of the water supplies besides overseeing the water security in their respective villages,he added.

“It is not enough to tape water from any available source for drinking purposes as it need to treated first”, Assistant Engineersaid.

He also informed that the department has started to implement National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRWP) with a targeted water supply of 55 litres per head per day within the radius of 100 meter of the said water supply schemes.

He said that 80 per cent of the disease in the world is water borne diseases due to lack of water sanitation and 13 million people in a year due to water born disease.

The best way to maintain the water security is to preserve forest in the water catchment area. Ten years back water was available in plentiful at Duigailong but now scarcity of water is well known to everyone. Another method to have drinking water sustainable in Tamenglong is to harvest rain water and construct check dam,the officer felt.


LPD/LYS/L-63                        12/09/2013        1300Hrs

PR submitted by PIB, Imphal


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