Home PR and Events Press Release 1167 water tanks developed under MGNREGA in Tamenglong

1167 water tanks developed under MGNREGA in Tamenglong


Tamenglong,12 Sept,2013: As many as 1167 water tanks were developed through Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGA) schemes in Tamenglong district in the last seven years.

In the current year another 30 more water tanks are under construction.

This came to light when the Project Officer K Acham Rongmei of District Rural Development Agency(DRDA), Tamenglong gave a presentation as a resource person on the second day of 3 day Bharat Nirman Public Information Campaign at Town Baptist Church hall in Tamenglong district head quarter today.

Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Imphal organised the campaign in collaboration with its sister offices in Manipur and district administration Tamenglong.

Interestingly the year 2012-13 has the highest number of water tanks among all the respective years.In the said year, altogether 314water tanks were constructed under MGNREGA scheme in different parts of Tamenglong district.Besides water tanks, 21 minor irrigation canals, 162 levelling and 126 plantation works were also taken in the same year.

After 2012-13, 2011-12 has the maximum number of water tanks (224) developed under MGNREGA scheme in the district,the Project officer added. Similarly, the year 2008-09 has about 178 water tanks, 2007-08 has 158 and 2006-07 in 110 water tanks.

Besides water tanks, various development works including building of percolation tanks, ponds, small check dams, minor irrigation canals, desilting of tanks, old canals and traditional open wells besides other activities such as fisheries related works, plantation and land levelling were also taken up MGNREGA schemes which guarantees 100 days of wage employment in the a financial year to any rural household whose adult members are willing to do unskilled manual work.

It may be mentioned that MGNREGA scheme came into force in Tamenglongalong with 199 districts across the country in 2006-07.Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh launched the scheme on April 13,2006 in the state.


LPD/LYS/L-59                       12/09/2013              1100Hrs




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