Home News & Article MT News Bombayla, Lily Chanu, Govindas Singh and Ranjan Waribam qualified for Archery World...

Bombayla, Lily Chanu, Govindas Singh and Ranjan Waribam qualified for Archery World Cup Stage 4 & Asian Games-2014


At the selection trial for participationin the coming 4th Stage Archery World Cup 2014 and 17th Asian Games three players and a coach were selected from Manipur. The trail was conducted at Hyderabad from 3-6 July and 10-13 July 2014 respectively.

4th Stage Archery World Cup 2014 is scheduled to be held at Wroclaw Poland from 3-10 August and 17th Asian Games 2014 at Incheon, South Korea from 23-29 September 2014.

In Recurve Women category Bombayla got through and in Compound Women Lily Chanu was selected while in Compound Men Govindas Singh got the berth to the championship.


Ranjan Waribam will be the Team Coach of Compound Men in both the championship.

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