Home Contribution Voice of the People Announcement: Please Sign the Petition for Dialogue for Peace in Manipur

Announcement: Please Sign the Petition for Dialogue for Peace in Manipur



An initiative by a group, this is a petition to be sent to the Joint Committee on the Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) and the Joint Action Committee against Anti-tribal Bills (JACAB) to have a dialogue to arrive at a mutually agreeable and peaceful solution to the current imbroglio over the ILP System.

To sign the petition, you are requested to visit the Dialogue for Peace in Manipur page at https://www.change.org/p/joint-committee-on-inner-line-permit-system-jcilps-dialogue-for-peace-in-manipur.

Text of the petition


We, the undersigned, draw the attention of the valley-based Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) and the hill-based Joint Action Committee against Anti-tribal Bills (JACAATB) and would like to assert that the two committees MUST have to enter into dialogue, in the interest of all the people living in this region and affected by the multi-pronged agitations over the ILP System.

We, as a group, are very concerned about the prevailing situation in Manipur, where the rift and mistrust between the hills and valley populace seem to be growing each day because of the ongoing agitations. If both the committees continue to press for their respective demands, which are difficult to fulfill without going against that of the other party’s, a peaceful solution is impossible.

We have signed this petition with the hope that the spearheading committees, mentioned above and to whom we are desperately appealing to, have a crucial role to play in bringing about a lasting solution that will promote the interest of both the parties and all the communities involved in the ongoing campaigns. Almost everyone in Manipur, regardless of which side they belong to, have suffered from the ongoing protests and agitations and in some corners there are also apprehension of untoward incident on communal lines.

While we are fully aware that this is a complex scenario, more so because of the involvement of few organisations with vested interest alongside political parties, which are trying to gain political mileage, we are hopeful that a mutually agreeable set of demands can be arrived through dialogue and debate between these two committees and this will be an effective starting point for the benefit of all the groups involved herein.

By signing this petition, we also declare that there are also voices which speak of humanity, that there are spaces for reasonable deliberation, that there are neutral and unbiased individuals, and that there are genuine aspirations for peace, love and reconciliation between all the communities living in this region.

Thank you, the JCILPS and the JACAATB for your attention to this petition. We believe we will achieve a solution and if there is any need for help, we will readily lend our hand with only the best intentions.

(Prepared by Devakishor Soraisam, Johnson Rajkumar, Paonam Thoibi, Ringo Pebam and Kapil Arambam)

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  1. How peach come. How evils become. This two thing is opposite side. But we are on fire now. Now we want peach. How will become peach n harmony? How become today’s chaos? We should start from small events from every corner. Bcz it is long process that we mistakes. Selfishness, corruption, people right, self culture… In sort, lots to rectify… I support n we should support.

    • ILP is not only for Meiteis it is also for all the indigenous tribes of Manipur. And all the 60 MLAs are not Meiteis, HM is naga. We have lots of things to be discuss and bring understanding to each other. Lets pray for peace, harmony and integrity in Manipur.

    • Among the 60 MLAs, I think 20 are tribals. And the 4 MLAs from NPF were also there to pass the 3 Bills during the Legislative Assembly Session, they were also agreed the bills, later with the political influence they resigned. Though the Speaker doesn’t accept, they enjoy the monthly salary and other Government services and benefits. The point is that the 4 MLAs from NPF got enough time to think and discuss about the bills before it was passed by the assembly. And even before they get resigned they never opposed the bills. they did it due to the political influence from NPF.

    • Among the 60 MLAs, I think 20 are tribals. And the 4 MLAs from NPF were also there to pass the 3 Bills during the Legislative Assembly Session, they were also agreed the bills, later with the political influence they resigned. Though the Speaker doesn’t accept, they enjoy the monthly salary and other Government services and benefits. The point is that the 4 MLAs from NPF got enough time to think and discuss about the bills before it was passed by the assembly. And even before they get resigned they never opposed the bills. they did it due to the political influence from NPF.

    • Dear Kamlesh Goyal Goyal yes you are right but it only for the tribal sections, so what about the Meeteis? Tribals are already protected by the constitutions but Meeteis were not. They are extinct day by day due to the immigration of large population community. Meeteis population is about 8 lakhs according to census 2011, it is equal to the population of a small village in UP. Moreover, Sikhs in India with large population were also given the legal protection. ILP is there in Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh so why not in Manipur?
      Besides, ILPS in Manipur is not only for the Meeteis, but also for all the indigenous tribes of the state. Though tribals are protected by the law they will also face the problem as Meeteis in the future if ILPS is not implemented.


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