Home News & Article MT News Increasing MDR TB cases in Manipur a great concern!

Increasing MDR TB cases in Manipur a great concern!


Out of the 88 MDR TB cases in Manipur 68 patients are under treatment. Altogether 33 patients belong to Imphal West. A drug resistance TB treatment centre is completed at Churachandpur while another centre is under construction at JNIMS. A patient with MDR TB needs special medicare for 24 to 27 months. Programatic Management of Drug Resistant TB is one such scheme where patients are looked after by the government providing treatment. MDR TB is an outcome of irregular medicine intake by patients during normal TB Treatment. Once a patient become multi drug resistant it becomes difficult to cure for which PMDT scheme has been taken up with international health organisation like WHO in the State.

The Regional TB centre for Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland is located at Lamphel, Imphal. The centre is now equipped with MDR TB testing lab. Earlier it was very difficult to get a test done for MDR as the samples were sent to Kolkata and other lab which took more than three monthsto get the result through mail and patients had to suffer a lot.

State TB Training and demonstration centre (Manipur, Nagaland and Mizoram) trains Laboratory Technicians, SeniorTB Laboratory Supervisor, Medical Officers for effective treatment of TB which is a concern communicable disease.

When technicins or medical officers collect sputum they should be very careful and take only sputum sample for a correct diagnosis appealed State TB Officer Gopal Krishna. Collecting saliva instead of sputum does not give the real result and patients go undetected and untreatment he continued.

“Reach the three Million”,find, treat and cure TB is the theme for World TB Day obsersed at State TB Cell.Earlier to the observation a press conference was held where matters relating to TB and its impact and the need for collective intervention were discussed between the concern officials and media persons. WHO consultant for Manipur and Nagaland was also present. The consultant also urge for administrative intervention from Government side in setting up D rug Resistant TB treatment centres.


Non should be lefft undiagnosed and treated. This is the most effective means to cut TB Transmission to the community and prevent emergence of deadly DR/XDR-TB. This can be done through mass awareness of TB. It is a curable and notifiable disease and all medical professionals including the private practitioners should report to the RNTCP system. We need to pass this message to the public that this cannot be done by govt.alone it is to be done by everybody in the community says a key message from the State TB Cell Manipur.


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