Home Festival Manipur Sangai Festival #MSF2015 : Manipur Sangai Festival 2015 Daily Photography Contest for 10 Days

#MSF2015 : Manipur Sangai Festival 2015 Daily Photography Contest for 10 Days


Manipurtimes is pleased to announce that Manipur Sangai Festival 2015 Daily Photography Contest will be conducted during 10 days of Manipur Sangai Festival 2015 from November 21 to 30, 2015.

Awards : Daily 3 Popular and 2 Editor’s Choices Awards will be given out in the form of Gift Packs comprising for a T-shirt from Manipur Creations, a umorok pickle bottle from Meira Foods, two bottle of LiklaSquash bottles and one CC Tea box. In addition, two winners of Editor’s award winners will also get one LED bulb from SS Electronics (PowerPride Brand).

Five photos selected on daily basis will be shared at Manipurtimes FB page on next day. A contest will go on among those 50 selected photos on daily basis and final three “Popular Choices Cash Awards” will be given combining the popularities of these photos at MT group and MT page. Two final “Editor’s Choice Cash Awards” will also be awarded.

Who can participate: Anyone with and smartphone or a camera.

Where to submit the photos: Facebok.com/groups/Manipurtimes or send email to [email protected] (we will publish it with your name).

Limitations: One can submit upto 2 photos per day.

Format of Submission:

Date of Photo

One sentence content describing the situation in the photo.

Promotions: You are free to tag your facebook friends or share in their walls to promote your photos.

Date of Announcement of Winners: Day 1 Winners will be announced at 12 noon on Day 2 and so on. While the final cash awards will be announced at 4 pm of December 1, 2015.

Date of Award for Day 1 to Day 9: For Day 1 to Day 9 photography contest, the award could be collected from Stall 8 (ManipurTimes Stall located on the left side of Main Gate, Manipur Sanagi Festival at HaptaKangjeibung) in between 1 pm to 6 pm starting from November 22 to November 30, 2015.

Day 10 and Final Cash Awards:Day 10 and Final Cash Award will be handed over to the winners at ManipurTimes office at 1 pm on December 2, 2015.

Editor’s decision on selection of Editor’s choice awards will be final.

Manipurtimes look forward your participation.

For more updates on Manipur Sangai Festival 2015, please follow

Manipur Sangai Festival Official FB page at Manipur Sangai Festival

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Next article#MSF2015 Day 1: 21st November, 2015 Programme


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