Home PR and Events Press Release World Hypertension Day Observation

World Hypertension Day Observation


An awareness programme on hypertension was held at Shija Hospitals on 17th May, 2016 as part of the World Hypertension Day observation. The awareness program was jointly organized by department of medicine, Shija Hospitals and Lions Club Imphal Leimarol. Speaking on the occasion, Lion Ksh. Madhabi, President, Lions Club Imphal Leimarol and Lion M. Swaroopini, Regional Head of Region 11 expressed their gratitude to Shija Hospitals for inviting Lions Club Imphal to jointly organize the awareness program. Professor Dr. M. Kulachandra Singh, HOD, Department of Medicine, Unit – II, Shija Hospitals, who was the resource person of the awareness program spoke on hypertension, its prevalence rate, causes, complications, treatment modalities and prevention. In his speech, Dr. Kh. Palin, Chairman cum Managing Director, Shija Hospitals said that nearly three lakh people in Manipur are affected by high blood pressure. He further stressed on the importance of stress management to prevent hypertension.

The awareness program was attended by eminent members of Lions Club Imphal Leimarol, doctors and staff of Shija Hospitals.

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