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World’s Biggest Mass Bible Reading The Gangtes Creates World Records for Biggest Mass Bible Reading


Its official now! The Gangte tribe of Manipur has created World Records for Biggest Mass Bible Reading. This was approved by Records bodies such as Limca Book of Records, Asia Book of Records & India Book of Records respectively.

Determined to set World Records of different kinds, a record number of 7047 participants took part in Mass Bible Reading as part of the Gangte Gospel Centenary celebration on 16th December, 2012 at Chiengkonpang in  Churachandpur District of Manipur. Braving the cold wintry breeze, the participants read the whole Book of Romans in standing position from Chapter 01-16, starting at 1.27pm. The Mass Bible Reading concluded at 2.53pm, taking the duration of 1.27hrs.

The Mass Bible Reading, which was witnessed by Maniram Sharma, IAS, Addl Deputy Commissioner, Churachandpur and  L Mangkhogin Haokip, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Churachandpur  was organized with the aim of involving all participants who took part in the Centenary celebration. ‘The main aimed of the Mass Bible Reading was to spread the Gospel throughout the Seven Seas’ Rev K Mawia said.

Addressing media persons at Manipur Press Club today, an elated Elder LS Gangte, Chairman, Gangte Christian Gospel Centenary Committee, Manipur said “The achievement is significant not only for the Gangte community, but also for the whole state of Manipur”. “It is a moment of joy and happiness for us all as the records has been achieved in the soil of Manipur”, he added.

Gangte, belonging to larger Chin-Kuki-Mizo fold is one of the indigenous tribes of Manipur who trace their origin to Khul. History has it that the Gangtes came to Manipur in 16th century from Burma. Today, the Gangtes have settled in all parts of Manipur, mainly concentrating in Churachandpur district with a population of about 20,000. There are altogether 54 Gangte villages in the state, spreading in all districts of Manipur. The Gangtes also settled in sister north-eastern states such as Mizoram, Assam, Nagaland, Tripura and Meghalaya.


Christianity came to Gangte Biel (Region) in 1912. The Gospel first set its foot at Saichang village under Henglep Sub-Division in Churachandpur District. Propagated by two pioneering missionaries – Evan Thangvang and Evan Damsuok,  it can be said that the whole populace of the tribe have been now converted to Christianity.  Accepting Lord’s Almighty as their Savior, twelve persons from Saichang village decided to convert to Christianity, in 1912, becoming the first Christians amongst the Gangte tribe.

For the Gangtes, setting records of sort is not new to them.  They have created world records, amongst others for “swimming the thick cloud (mist), blunting the sharp edge of axe with toes, whipping to death elephants by loin clothes and felling of teak trees from its trunk”. These records were, though without documentary evidence, but passed down generations after generations through word of mouth.

However, the records for Mass Bible Reading have been properly documented, both by print medium as well as electronically. The video recordings, media reports, photographs and certificate from observers were sent to record bodies such as Limca Book of Records, Asia Book of Records & India Book of Records. ‘The record bodies accepted our claim based on documentary evidence after much research, survey and cross-checking’, LS Gangte added.

Rev K Mawia, General Secretary, Gangte Christian Gospel Centenary Committee, Manipur informed that


 ‘A Thanks-Giving program will be organized in a big way on 14th December, 2014’. 

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