Home News & Article MT News ‘Yoh Sanatombi’ wishes good luck to students appearing HSLC and COHSEM 2014.

‘Yoh Sanatombi’ wishes good luck to students appearing HSLC and COHSEM 2014.


My message to the juniors who are appearing for their class ten and twelve exam would be take the challenge and excel. Be a good pillar for a progressive society. Teenage hood time is a very fine time where you want to enjoy life and make things happening. Even if you are having good times with your friends and roaming around you should give priority to learning, studying as it is also a crucial time of your education and career. This is also a time where you dedicate yourself towards the journey of life. Wish you good luck and happy studying. With love Gurumayum Bonny Sharma (Yoh Sanatombi).

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