14- 22nd May,2016
With the cultural mosaic of 31 colourful ethnic tribes interwoven with rich biodiversity where A.O. Hume met his Mrs. Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humie humie), Francis Kingdon Ward, blossomed with Shirui Lily (Lilium macklinae) and Lt. Percy Eldi, antlered with the Brow-antlered Deer ‘Sangai’ (Rucervus eldii eldii), the State of Manipur is truly the un-explored destination for bird watchers and wildlifers.
“Bird watching” and among various kinds of eco-tourism, has the highest potential to contribute to local communities, educate locals about the value of biodiversity, and create local and national incentives for successful protection and preservation of natural environment.
With this, we would like to welcome you to explore the incredibly wonderful world of the winged species and wildlife of Manipur. We will use the opportunity to generate income for locals and educate them towards nature conservation.