Home News & Article MT News Save Tree, Save Life, Save Future campaign held at Kakching

Save Tree, Save Life, Save Future campaign held at Kakching


Kakching, December 28:   Alliance for Development Alternatives- Manipur (ADAM) in association with Raman Vigyan Mandir Kakching conducted one day mass social service cum awareness program at Angaan Ching-Eco Park Kakching which is usually known as Maning Mahadev ching. The social service program is organized as a part of Green Kakching- Clean Kakching campaign which has been campaigning since 30 September 2014.

Around 30 students of class VIII,IX and X from the Vigyan Mandir participated in the green and clean Kakching movement campaign. Fire line cutting, coloring and beautification of existing trees in the hill slope were the main activities in today’s social service program.  Posters on “Save Tree, Save Life, Save Future” were also posted on different points of kakching market.

Mr Kunjo Singh, founder Raman Vigyan Mandir, Kakching stated in connection to the role of teacher in promoting green environment that  “ it is very important to make young students to realize the idea of reforestation. In doing so, we teachers have a big role in making them involved in such activities”.

Mr. Surjit Kshetrimayum, secretary ADAM appealed to people leaving in and around the foothill as well as concern authorities to extent their cooperation in the activities taking up by ADAM in protecting and conserving trees in the hill.


It may be mention that, so far more than 200 indigenous kind and medicinal plants has rooted since 2012 in this eco-park. Some of them are Heirangkhoi (Aphanomixis Polytachya Wall), ChiniChampa (Artabotrys Odoratissimus R.Br.), Laibakngou (Artemisia ninigirica), Harikaktong (Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb), Nunggarei (Asparagus racemosus wild), Karpoor (Blumea densilora), Chingthrao Angangba and others. These plants are traditionally known for its highly reach in its medicinal values.

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