Home PR and Events Press Release Nomonated as a non-official member by Ministry of Textiles

Nomonated as a non-official member by Ministry of Textiles


Development Commissioner for Handlooms, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India has form ALL INDIA HANDLOOM BOARD for the development of handlooms sector. Very fortunately, from our state Manipur one Ms. INDIRA CHIROM (Designer) from Thangmeiband Lairenhanjaba Leikai, Imphal West, Imphal – 795004, Manipur, Smt. Adhikarimayum Sarda Devi from Bhrampur Adhikarimayum Leirak, Imphal and Ms. Oinam Indira Devi from Thoubal Wngmataba, Thoubal were nomonated as a non-official member for the period of two years by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India.

Apart from this Secretary (Handlooms), Commerce & Industry Department, Govt. of Manipur was also one in the list of Official-Members. It is a very good opportunity for all of us specially those those sacrifice on handlooms and for handlooms.

We all knows since time immemorial handlooms take a great role in socio-economic in the state. At present, the value of handlooms and its products were increased much more than before. It is because, all are aware the value(s) of handlooms. Overseas Customers & buyers are also more focus on Indian handlooms products specially from north east handlooms products . In this modern generation, everyone feel proud whenever and wherever they use handloom products. Handloom is one that can bring all together specially in our state Manipur and North Eastern Region of India.

”Tammina Mayung Karaga, Chingmina Mafel oiduna anouba asa amadi apunbagi oiba mayek kaya phi oina puthokpiduna ngasi charangnariba Ema Manipur asibu amuk hanna nungsi chanana chingmi+tammi animak amatta oibagi lipunda handloom asina pubirakpa oirasanu”

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