Home Make in Manipur Indu Tribal Ornaments

Indu Tribal Ornaments


Echel Handicraft Centre is a registered firm founded in 1976 by Keisam Indu Leima.

Total number of employees working is about 10.

Address: Keishampat Keisham Leikai

Business connections

Business contact person:  Keisam Indu Leima

Phone number: 9774130869

Email id: NA

Website: NA

Facebook page: NA

Webpage: https://manipurtimes.com/Indu-Tribal-Ornaments

Available Products:  Brass & Bell – Metal crafts,

Khudop, Lik, Khuji, Charik

Products available at Business Address and selected retail shops.

Product Images

These products are listed here under the theme of “Make in Manipur online campaign” initiated by Maniputimes 

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  1. I don’t know why very less number of people like such posts . if it’s a post about some Communal riots or about some heinous crimes, people are ready to like and comment and share and go crazy about it. But posts like this which gives the real use of using social networks are often taken for granted. Anyways , I really appreciate the good works of Ema Indu . We Really need to encourage and appreciate the only corruption free industry in Manipur which is #handloom and #handicrafts


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