Home Media Partner Inspiration Episode 2

Inspiration Episode 2


Dynamic Manipur is a non-profit organization with a Motto of “Dynamic Change for Dynamic Manipur!” and vision of “Inspire and Empower the Youths; Create a Prosperous Manipur!”

The society aims to promote and nurture the concept of dynamic change by inspiring the youths, stirring the minds of thinkers and spurring the actions of the entire population toward uplifting of Manipur.

Dynamic Manipur is organizing an Inspiration Episode 2 on the 6th of June, 2014 at MIMS hall 1, Manipur University at 10:15 am

Five resource persons have been invited to present their talks for the seminar. The five speakers and their respective topics are –

1. Prof. N. Rajmuhon, Chemistry Department, MU – Basic Science as Career Choice.

2. Armstrong Pame, IAS – Living the Dream Despite the Background.

3. Dr. Kh. Palin, Chairman cum Managing Director, Shija Hospitals and Research Institute Pvt. Ltd. – The journey of Shija towards Medical Tourism.

4. M. Shubhra Devi, Managing Director, Meira Foods – Meira’s Dream for the Future of Manipur.

5. M. Muktamani Devi, National Awardee, Proprietor, Mukta Shoes Industry – Artisans as Micro Entrepreneurs Empowering Local Women Community.

MT Link —

There is no registration fee to join this event,


Register your name athttps://www.facebook.com/events/576360299143902/

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