Home News & Article MT Picks Linthoi- A young lady with Sugarcane juice making machine

Linthoi- A young lady with Sugarcane juice making machine


Women in Manipur whether may be in hill or valley are well known for their working spirit since ancient times. We can promptly say women folk in our state are highly empowered and they share responsibility in family economy as a man does. They are not behind men any more in taking up any job in the struggle of livelihood. Women even started driving Auto rickshaw to run her family, these days. A feature entitled ‘The lady Diesel Auto Driver in Town’ by Manipurtimes captured many readers attention. Her struggling spirit, bravery story has inspired many of us. This time MT interacted with a young lady sugarcane juice maker. It is at the heart of Pallel market under Thoubal district, Moirangthem Linthoingambi (21), a young lady who just gave B. Sc 3rd semester exam makes sugarcane juice along with her mother Moirangthem Jamuna(46).

Linthoingambi is the eldest child of the family with two little brothers. She along with her mother started running the business since her father expired in 2011.

“Earlier, this is our father’s business, he run this when he was alive. It was closed down for some months after father passed away but we started it again”, said friendly Linthoi. Younger brother next to her is giving metric exam this year and youngest one reads in class XII.

The mother and daughter could make a profit Rs.500 to Rs. 600 a day. However, it is hard to run and maintain family expenditure compels her mother. Since sugarcane is a seasonal product they could sale the juice till July only. “Then to cope-up the remaining months and to run my family I sale dried fish and other items brought from Moreh market”, says Linthoi’s mother.   

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