Home Entrepreneurship Computer and Internet LoonyMart connecting entrepreneurs with Consumers – a venture of like-minded youths

LoonyMart connecting entrepreneurs with Consumers – a venture of like-minded youths


LoonyMart Online Solutions Private Limited is an online service platform, where weavers, artisans and craftsmen are directly connected with the consumers. This start-up company was started by a group of students, studying in a local engineering college in Bangalore. They found it difficult to source their home-town products, studying far away from their homes. This small project, further led to a wider vision of connecting weavers, artisans directly with the consumers. They found a bigger problem to solve as they started talking with the local artisans, weavers and craftsmen. On one hand, consumers are looking for authentic indigenous products and on the other hand, weavers and artisans cannot find a better platform to market their products. Thus LoonyMart- The Indigenous Hub was recetly launched to bridge the gap, with the power of internet.

Objectives behind the company

They want to bring millions of artisans, weavers and craftsmen online, which otherwise would have been neglected and not appreciated of their craftsmanship. With the influx of western products, they are facing a wider competition, leaving them to desert their skills and find better opportunities. Giving them an online platform, will give them a chance to interact and preserve their skills. Sourcing the products directly will reduce the middle-man involved and increase their house-hold income. Moreover, consumers on the other hand can get indigenous products anywhere in India at a cheaper price.

Business Objectives:

They follow a very simple business model i.e. charge for listing and commission on sales. Also, they fund 3% of the sales amount to Child Education of the weavers, artisans and craftsman. We charge for listing or We charge commission per sale. So, that we can reach more artisans and weavers. Moreover, we’ll donate 3% of our amount to under-privilage children education.

Team :

The company is a venture initiated by a dedicated team consisisting of good mix of Technical and Marketing students and graduates. There are eight members in the team hailing from Manipur, Meghalaya, West Bengal and Bihar. The average age of the team is 21 years and very passionate about their new venture.

Rahul Yumlembam – Software Developer, Co-Founder : Rahul Yumlembam is a Computer programmer and a Musician. He is an entrepreneur who is desperate in solving our society problems and admires innovation. He is pursing Computer Science and Engineering from R.L.J.I.T College. He is a very skilled computer programmer and an elite musician. Yumlembam has one released music album and his works has been featured in many stage shows. He is popular as ace of spade and he believes, “technology is the one tool for deciphering our day-to-day problems.

Shiva Chettri – The Coder, Co-Founder : Shiva Chettri is an Entrepreneur, a Hacker and a computer programmer. He is a founder at OpineIdea and Founder at AdWings. With expertise in IT Industry for long three years, Chettri is a ‘college dropout’ But holds command over twenty plus software languages beside various renowned certifications such as certified Ethical Hacking, Advance networking, Cisco Certified Network Associate, Red Hat Certified Engineer and many more. He is enthused to solve problems and has shown promises. He is a popular as jack of all trades and believes, “The only problem is that we don’t know our limit, which is a good thing because it will take us beyond understanding”.

Sanjoy Singh – Customer Specialist : Sanjoy is a specialist in Marketing and an Entrepreneur who is self-motivated to solve all any marking problem he encounters. He is a B.B.M. graduate from Bangalore University and he likes travelling a lot. He is enthused and inspired by problem faced by our society, and he would take undertake any step to help solve the problem. He has a very good working experience working as a media planning and brand management and holds a great command in marketing. He believes in not just making this world a better place to live in, while he believes in making this world a place where what one desires get’s at his or her door step.

Niranjoy Nongthombam – Public Relation and Film Maker : Niranjoy is one hack of a musician and a film maker. He is a one man army who will undertake any problem he encounters and not rest unless it’s resolved. He is a B.B.M. graduated from Bangalore University, and has a great marketing skill. He understand problem and he is enthused enough to find solution for the problem by any means. He is truly creative and says that he loves thinking. He desires to live for a cause for which he is greatly inspired by all social activities, and he believes in ‘Karma’.

Avinaba Ghosh – Growth Hacker : Avinaba Gosh is pursing computer science and engineering from R.L.J.I.T. He is an entrepreneur who is extremely good at dealing with people. He understands market and is good at maintaining relations with customers and vendors. He is enthused and passionate to solve problem work at hand and sees no limit or bound. He loves playing computer games and sketching, and loves to travel.

Malay Samanta – Human Resource : Malay Samanta is pursuing computer science and engineering from R.L.J.I.T. He is one great artist who loves sketching and loves connecting with people and helps solve their problem. He is highly interested in ground work because he believes that, “the only way to understand people problem is by connection with them.” He loves plants for he loves gardening and he is truly creative, he talks less because he believe is expressing his talk by his work.

Samresh Kumar – Customer Relation Manager : Samresh Kumar is pursuing Mechanical Engineering and loves field work. He is good at talking with people and he is very consoling with his very nature. He is very calm and he loves innovative works like sketching and story writing. He is extremely good at robotics and loves machine designing. He is very popular as Mr. Thinker and loves thinking to help resolves problem he encounters.

Bharat Wangkheimaum – Principle Protographer : Bharat Wangkheimaum is the founder at ‘The Grand Lens Photography’, an executive member of Manipur Photography Society and a member of World Photography Organization. He is a geology graduate and he loves to travel a lot and he believes in freezing moment. He sees beauty in everything he encounters and says, “Photography helps people to see what people can’t see with their naked eyes.”

LoonyMart Online Solutions Private Limited is a private limited company, registered under SEC 2(68) of The Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies Act, 2013. The office is located in Yelahanka New Town, north of Bangalore.

LoonyMart is India’s only Indigenous hub for authentic and ethnic products. We enable weavers, artisans and craftsmen to directly interact with the consumers in the online world. We understand the pain-points that these workers are facing through our initial on ground research. We believe that internet can bring a change in their lives to better market their products. We are energetic and passionate of the problems, we are trying to solve.

Evaluation of Loonymart : The idea behind LoonyMart was fairly simple because it was all started for artisans, weavers and craftsman who are deprived of their work values. The problem was wide open and we realized that we should take a step to help resolve this problem, as it was the artisans, weavers and craftsman who kept our ethnicity and indigenousness alive till date. So, we are improvised with whatever we have at hand to help resolve this problem and we are still working hard from all our heart and mind. We want to directly connect weavers, artisans and craftsman to the consumer and help them get their real value for their amount of work, time and expertise they have put up, by providing an online interface. On an important note, we desperately want to solve this problem because we feel the pain and problem for our vanishing identity.

Vision : Our vision is a world of opportunity where everybody is equal and appreciated of their craftsmanship and give real value to the consumers.

Mission : Our mission is to bring 12.5 million weavers as well as artisans and craftsmen in India online and increase their livelihood income significantly.


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