Home Make in Manipur #MIE2016 – Eco-Multi stove developed by local blacksmith reduces family expenses

#MIE2016 – Eco-Multi stove developed by local blacksmith reduces family expenses


Manipur Industrial Expo stall no P-218

Eco-multi stove, a charcoal operated cooking stove developed by Keisham Gopendro Mangang, 42 years son of K Gopal from Sagoband Ingudam Leirak will benefit those poor families who still practice firewood kitchen and cannot afford a LPG cylinder and stoves.

The new cooking stove, purely operated by locally available charcoal is a new brand of “Keisham Steel and Iron Works” and this local cooking stove brand can enthrall the tourists and festival revelers at the ongoing Manipur Industrial Expo 2016. Gopendro Mangang, proprietor of Keisham Steel and Iron Works has been able to give employment to nine workers at his factory located at Sagoband Ingudam Leirak.

The farm produces 150 to 200 such stoves per month and can earn a good turnover. Benefits of the cooking stove is that it consumes less fuel but gives out effective heat energy. A packet of “Meital “which costs Rs 20 per packet is sufficient to cook meals for a family comprising 5/6 members three to four times at a blue flame heat produced by the Stove.

This locally designed new stove is economy friendly as it reduces family expenses on cooking daily meals. Family expenses on using the stove would comparatively be lesser than those of the families using LPG gas. Demand for the cooking stove is on the risen, having sold about 4000 such stoves. His factory produces two models of eco- stoves- Domestic and Commercial. Price of the domestic stove is fixed at Rs 2000 while the commercial one is at Rs 3000.

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