Home Entrepreneurship Computer and Internet Mitrang Technologies: A promising web designing and developing company in Manipur

Mitrang Technologies: A promising web designing and developing company in Manipur


Mitrang Technologies, a professional web & multimedia design company based in Manipur offers top-notch level services and committed to deliver high quality website design services tailored to meet costumers’ needs. The various services being offered by this company include website design & development, mobile website development, graphic & logo design, website maintenance, social media marketing, search engine optimisation and online and offline advertising. Moreover, the company deals with editing of films, Music Albums too.

Vir Bhadra Yumnam, proprietor of Mitrang Technologies shares Manipur Times about the services offered by his web design company.

Mitrang Technologies is presently located at the third floor of Kulabidhu building, MG Avenue, Thangal Bazar, Imphal. About four men who are well experienced in the field are working in the company at present. It is a venture of Vir Bhadra Yumnam, 32 years, who is a web and graphic designer hailing from Kongba Nandeibam Leikai, Imphal East. He is the eldest son among four siblings of Shivakiran Yumnam and Rashesori Devi. He got married with Lucy on April 9, 2007. Now, he is a father of two daughters- Lyna and Chumthang. 

So far, more than forty websites for different local business establishments, NGOs, major corporates and individuals have been designed by Mitrang Technologies, which is one of the popular web design companies in Manipur established in December 2009 as a joint venture of Vir Bhadra Yumnam along with his friend Rishikanta from Sagolband.

 Mr.Vir Bhadra passed matriculation from St. George School. After passing Matriculation, he studied at Human Resource Academy, Gari and passed class XII from the school. He completed Graduation in Education from DM college of Arts, Imphal in 2000. He then completed his Multimedia course from Arena Multimedia and some other institutes. 

Regarding the importance of launching a website, Vir Bhadra said, “In the present age of information technology, the importance of Website has increased for any organisation or individuals. A website works 24×7 as an employee for an organisation, business establishment or individuals etc. It increases referrals because information gets forwarded on without even asking. A website turns contacts into prospects and vice versa, because some people aremore comfortable contacting an individual or organisation online rather than calling them. Inviting contacts to one’s website will help them to know about them better”.

“We deliver the projects of the costumers on time, on budget and with exceptional customer service. No project is too small and there is such thing as a silly question. Our core values demonstrate who we are and how we work. The ultimate determining factor for how one customer should choose a website design company is the quality of their work in relation to their price. Our levels of skill and creativity are proven in our final products. Here are some of the clean, fresh, vivid, aesthetically pleasing websites we have designed”, said he.

“ To help businesses and non-profits navigate and leverage today’s online world in order to fulfil their goals is the mission of this web design company. It aims at creating a sustainable and productive business by helping the customers do the same with theirs. We respect our clients and their trust in us. We respect deadliness, expectations, and honesty. We treat our clients with the respect they deserve. In turn, we have the pleasure of working with some of the most amazing clients in the world”, he added.

As for web designing and developing fee, Mitrang Technologies charges its customers starting from Rs.8000 onwards. The websites are designed with responsive web design so that internet users can easily access to the websites using mobile phones, laptops or computers.

Vir Bhadra, besides his works in web designing and developing, has also taken great role in some Manipuri digital films such Lucy Kamei, Reporter, Eigi Salini Ma’m, Tang Kunamri, Lanfam, as a director, screen play, dialogue writer and editor. He is presently working for a feature film Sel Paidaba Yade which is yet to release. Reporter was the first film which Vir Bhadra edited.

Before launching Mitrang Technologies, he was running a website called www.manipurmovies.com. For about three years. As he could not run it alone, he left the job. Considering the growing business prospects in web designing, he launched the present web design company in 2009. For some months, he could not get much profit from the company. However, he started getting some money in course of time with many costumers coming to the company.

He said that the ultimate determining factor for how a costumer should choose a web design company is the quality of their work in relation to their price. Our levels of skill and creativity are proven in our final products. The present rate of fees the company charge to its customers is not high comparing to others. It always tries to provide quality products at an affordable rate. Some of the websites designed by Mitrang technologies so far are- www.Leishang.com, www.Intellisome.in, www.balahijam.com, www.keithel.in, www.thesuigeneris.in, www.liklam.com, www.safimanipur.org, etc.

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