Home PR and Events Press Release One Day Workshop cum Interaction program on “Women Health and its related...

One Day Workshop cum Interaction program on “Women Health and its related issues” organised by AMAND Ladies Club


On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2019, AMAND Ladies Club which is a part of AMAND, Pune organized a One Day Workshop cum Interaction program on “Women Health and its related issues” on 9th March 2019 at ELTIS Auditorium, Model Colony, Pune. The program was attended by around 50 lady participants along with members of AMAND, Pune. The program was graced by the two resource persons, Dr Jyotsna Angom, Dr Jyotsna Chitalkar, & Dr Huidrom Narendra Singh President, AMAND Pune and Mrs N Rina Devi, President, Ladies Club. The dignitaries were presented with a plant sapling and a lengyan by the AMAND Ladies Club.
The program was initiated with a welcome address by Mrs Vijaya Namram, Gen Secy Ladies Club. Mrs N Rina Devi elaborated about the objectives of AMAND Ladies Club and its planned activities. Dr Huidrom Narendra Singh, President AMAND, Pune highlighted about the program as well as the mission and vision of AMAND to the august gathering. The technical session was started with Dr Jyotsna Chitalkar, Medical Officer, CSIR-NCL, Pune giving a general perspective of Women’s Health. She gave a detailed account of various health problems generally faced by women and its possible precautionary measures. She also mentioned about the diabetic related issues followed by interactive session with the participants. The second technical session was given by Dr Jyotsna Angom, Gynaecologist, Jehangir Hospital, Pune on general issues related with gynecological problems. She speaks about the issues that a woman faces since young age till menopause.
The two resource persons were presented with a memento and a gift as a token of appreciation after the technical sessions. The last session was the screening of a movie entitled “Daughters of the Polo God” produced & directed by by the renown film maker Ms. Roopa Barua. The movie is about the girls playing the game of polo in Manipur. It highlighted the hardship faced by the girls while trying to infuse into the male dominated game. The program was well conducted by Mrs Taruni Kh.
All the participants were issued a participation certificate at the end of the program.
AMAND Pune highly appreciated the program coordinators Mrs Taruni Kh & Ms. Minolta H. and all the members of AMAND Ladies Club for organizing such a wonderful program of general importance.
The program was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Minolta followed by high tea.

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