Home PR and Events Press Release Press Release- FunFit Summer Workshop

Press Release- FunFit Summer Workshop


Dash Production successfully organized FunFit Summer Workshop on 18th May 2014 at Wangkhei Meihoupham Lampak, Lizard Community hall. The workshop primarily focussed on skill-development of children from various age-groups. Essay writing competition, Spelling competition, Dumb Charade, Talent show and various FunFit activities were held during the workshop. Articulately designed games and activities of FunFit were specially architected to show children how to have fun, develop their personality, enhance communication, appreciate beauty, develop confidence and nurture team spirit.

Velena Thingbaijam from Tiny Tots Unique School, Shivadan Ngangom from Maria Montessori, Keisham Yoihenbi from Mega Manipur School respectively won 1st , 2nd and 3rd Prize for Essay writing competition,  which was participated by 110 students from different schools

 “It’s a known fact that Education is not limited only to classroom. It is important that every child is given the opportunity to explore every skill which otherwise remains hidden and unexplored. Events like this will help in nurturing the curious mind of students to push their boundaries. Similarly we at Kok Sam Lai Solutions believe in taking the path less taken. With our product SIMSLite (School Information Management System) we are looking at providing 360 degree School Management. The benefits of SIMSLite are not limited to schools and its teachers but extended towards the students and their parents. Hence, such events are a perfect opportunity to create awareness that there is such a system. Also we would like to show support for events like this which endorse education outside the class room such as FunFit Summer Workshop.”Dave Yendrembam, CEO Kok Sam Lai Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


About Dash Production


Dash Production is an event management company that caters to a wide range of services that include brand building, celebrity management, event management etc.  Dash Production has far created its milestones by organizing Telanga Festival, and Nokminnasi, the first ever stand-up comedy show in Manipur. Backed up a youthful team, they flaunt themselves as ‘The Innovative Eventgers’

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