Home PR and Events Press Release “Difficult foreign body extraction from respiratory tract at Shija”

“Difficult foreign body extraction from respiratory tract at Shija”


Imphal, 4 th July 2016: Master S. Pausawnlal Vaiphei, a 5 year old boy S/o S. Paulalmuan Vaiphei from Saipum Village, Churachandpur District arrived at Shija Emergency and Trauma Centre today, following a stone being accidentally inhaled into the respiratory tract three days ago. After explaining the critical nature of the problem the child was taken to the operation room. Critical care team including anaesthetists, surgeons and paramedical staff went all out to remove the stone. As the stone with tapering end was impacted in the left bronchus (major branch of trachea) it became impossible to grasp it by conventional instruments. Surgeons then employed a balloon normally used in ERCP to be inflated beyond the stone and pull out to extract the stone. The degree of difficulty is very much raised in such situation as the child could not be continuously anaesthetized since the bronchoscope had to be intermittently inserted into the respiratory tract. After successful extraction the child is now recovering well in the ICU.

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    • He stayed one day in ICU which was needed to save the life. 3 minutes anoxia (lack of blood oxygen supply to brain ) will cause irreversible brain damage and in turn vegetative living. The stay in ICU is decided by expert anaesthetists or critical care specialist. Safety is the priority.
      Thank you for giving us the opportunity to explain protocol of ICU admission.

    • Dear Sajendra Rajkumar…. Thank you for your astute observation. You are correct, all ICU admissions are mostly for a prolonged periods of time.

      If you have the inate ability to understand that all patients referred to an ICU are not normal patients. They need intense medical attention which usually is a multispeciality approach.

      My younger sister was admitted in the Shija ICU following an acute pancreatitis attack, which has a very poor incidence of survival. They kept her there for 2 weeks in ICU, and used all kinds of medicines to get her system better, which were all very costly (of course) and they called all doctors of different disciplines to get my sister well. All those cost very high. After 2 weeks, I am extremely thankful and indebted to the Shija ICU team for saving her. Now she is enjoying life a second time.

      Why can’t you spare a lakh or two for your sister’s life? If you cannot, please take her to Chennai, or Delhi or any hi-fi medical mecca where you will get all that you deserve? There is no compulsion. But I guess that too will not cost less than 5-6lakhs at least!
      Kudos and good luck

  1. Great job to the Shija team.
    There will be very less people to appreciate your difficult job accomplished. Most of the people feel that Drs are money minting people.
    In a matter of life and death it is life that matters most. And of course you cannot expect good job at a penny’s expense. Kudos to you again


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