Home News & Article MT News Dynamic Manipur’s One Day Health Camp at Waithou Chiru

Dynamic Manipur’s One Day Health Camp at Waithou Chiru


Dynamic Manipur’s One Day Health Camp at Waithou Chiru in association with “The Waithou Chiru Village Authority” was conducted on June 8, 2014. A team of 13 doctors comprising two surgeons, two pediatric doctors and two ophthalmologists were on the ground consulting with around 180 patients including children and senior citizens. Many children were found to have dysentery and skin problems like itching and warts. Adults in general have the complaints of back ache and stomach upsets. There were few problems of unclear eye visions. Few of the patients were referred to RIMS for further treatment. The health camp was supported by ten Dynamic Manipur’s regular members and Withou Churi club members and village authority. The camp was ended with a nice lunch served by Waithou Chiru Village Authority. Dr. Sunil Lourembam and Dr. Jotin Okram who are also core members of Dynamic Manipur led the camp with effective management of doctors, volunteers.

Dynamic Manipur is a non-profit organization with a Motto of Dynamic Change for Dynamic Manipur and vision of “Inspire and Empower the Youths; Create a Prosperous Manipur. The society aims to promote and nurture the concept of dynamic change by inspiring the youths, stirring the minds of thinkers and spurring the actions of the entire population toward uplifting of Manipur. More about Dynamic Manipur could be found at Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/DynamicManipur/ and Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/DynamicManipur

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