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Environmental awareness programme at Cheirao Ching


An environmental awareness programme was organized by North EastCentre for Environmental Education and Research (NECEER), Imphal inassociation with For a Better Manipur (FBM) and Youth Street News(YSN) at Cheirao Ching, Thangmeiband on 11th April2013, the ManipuriNew Year Day, Cheiraoba. The programme was organized to createawareness among the public about the need of conserving Langol HillRange and Lamphelpat. Pamphlets were distributed and posters weredisplayed during the event. Khuraijam Jibankumar, founder of NECEER,Imphal interacted with the public and made the public alert about theconsequences that will be resulted from the degradation of Langol HillRange and Lamphelpat. Adhikarimayum Aisho, co-ordinator of NECEEREnvironmental Awareness Programme appeal to the public not to cuttrees instead plant more trees in the hill range and not to throwplastic waste inside the reserve forest. During the awarenessprogramme, NECEER, Imphal promoted 2nd Enviro Youth Summit of Manipurwhich is going to be held at Lamyanba Shanglen on 26th and 27th April2013 and urged the youths to participate it. The youth summit aimed toencourage students to make aware of the environmental issues of thestate and create leadership qualities among the students. As part ofthe summit, painting competition (Std. I-VI), symposium (VII-XII),short story writing contest (BA & BSc students), nature walk at KanglaFort and screening of environmental films will be organized. ActressBala is the brand ambassador of the summit.


Photo Credit: NECEER Imphal

This News is being submitted by “NECEER Imphal


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