Home Entertainment Music Straight Talk with Gurumayum Jeson – The Chocolate Face Singer of Manipur

Straight Talk with Gurumayum Jeson – The Chocolate Face Singer of Manipur


Name: Gurumayum Jeson Sharma

Parent’s Name: Gurumayum Joykumar Sharma

 Address:Keishamthong Elangbam Leikai, Imphal, Manipur – 795001

 D.O.B: 23rd march, 1990

 Educational Qualification: Graduate in Political Science.

 Last released song (video): Nungshibi Eigi Nungshibi”

a)  Theme of the song: Romantic

b) Music composer:Kokobi Aribam

c) Direction:Hemanta Khuman

d) Lyrics:Gurumayum Joykumar Sharma

Q: How many song and album so far?

 A: 70 Songs and 16 Albums.

 Q: Any upcoming number

 A: 7 upcoming Video Albums and 14 Songs.

 Q: How do you start your career as a singer?

  A: I was fond of classical songs and music. I used to participate in song competitions.

Q:   Your favourite singer and inspiration?

A: Sonu Nigam.

 Q:  Learning’s and guide  

A: Parents and Asem Bimola.

 Q: First hit song and a brief on that?

A: “Thamoi Masak Khangda Nungshi Hairuba” from the movie “Eigi Shalini Maam”. This was my first movie song.

Q: Discussion on the hit songs you have sung so far?

A: “Khallibani”, “Kadaidano”, “Miss Manipur”, “Chaoraba”, “Nungshiba Khuding”, “Nangna Enakta Famlaga”, “Nungshibi Eigi Nungshibi”, “Jaya Jaya Radhe”, “Thamoi Masak Khangda”.

Q: How do you feel when public or kids sing your song in their mood?

A: I feel happy and excited.

Q:   Music video album has enhanced the music industry.

A: Yes, I do agree. It encourages young talented artists to come up with new ideas and skills in creating music videos, movies, etc with their own publications. These shows a new generation in Manipur Film Industry. Also, many people of Manipur have the chance to earn some income in this jobless society.

Q:   Any issue on the record sale and the revenue of an album.

A: No.

Q:   How do you feel roaming around for five different places on a day at night for concerts?

A: Obviously feel tired.

Q:   How much do you earn a month on festive season?   

A: I don’t sing for Money. I sing on my interest. However, I use to make earnings of around 60 thousand.

Q:   Tell me more about the least earning months, less concerts.

A:  June – July.

Q:   How do you maintain and work hard to serve the people and remain in your best level?

A: With an enthusiasm, to keep the people in their warm and stable mood by my polite way of singing, to give them my best and to own their love from my performance.

Q:   Theme you prefer most?

A: Romantic


Photo Credit: Courtesy of Gurumayum Jeson Sharma

Q:   Lyricists you like most?

A: Gurumayum Joykumar Sharma

Q:   One song you would choose among many of yours?

A: “Kadaidano”

Q:   Any crazy fan how did he or she try to get your attention

A: Yes. They use to make a lot of calls.

Q:  Do you teach music to the younger generation?

A: Not yet.

Q:   Most memorable gift or words from a stranger?

A: Keep on singing, Music is Life.

Q:   Any public service so far?

A: No.

Q:   Duet songs

A:  Jeson and Shane “You are the one I needed”.

Q:   Record sale of music albums in the past and the DVD format enhancing black market now. Is it a big blow to you and the music industry?

A: Yes. It is a big lost to the producer and the singer.

Q:   Do you have any plan to promote music and how do you plan to do so?

A: Yes. I’ve a future plan to come up with a Music Institution to educate this profession and support music lovers financially.

Q:   What do you say about the recording studios in the State?

A: Compare to others states, a lot to say but, money matters. However, so far so good.

Q:   How do you compare it with the recording studio in other place?

A: Manipur is a poor and small state. However, compare to other states, we see Best Quality with Least Equipment.

Q:   What do you say about the trend of music at present and how do you relate with the past?

A: At present, music is based on techno music. So, now-a-days, artists don’t give much importance to voice.

Q:  What is your message to the music enthusiasts of the State?

A: Love the profession and get educated about Music.

Q:   On future of the music industry in the next ten years.

A: There will be again a new generation in Music Industry. However, as we know “Old is Gold”.

Q:  How do you rate the State when local bodies organize concerts at the local grounds from now and then?

A: Then: 5/10 and Now: 8/10

Q:   Zodiac Sign ?

A: Taurus

Q:   How do you travel to the different places in the middle of the night to perform?

A: With friends and family.

Q:   Bheiga Chandra Open Air Theatre Palace Compound is a boon to you?

A: Yes.

Q:   What do you like to wear on stage?

A: Casual.

Q:   Which sound system you like the most when on stage performance?


Q:    Who is your target audience?

 A: Young Crowds.

Q: Where have you perform so far beyond the State?

A: Bangalore.

Q: Most favorite singer of the State?

A: Sagolsem Tijendra

Q:   Most favorite indigenous food

A: Sareng-Atoiba-Thongba.

Q:   Any song you have sung on social issue?

A: No.

Q:  Have you done any charity for a social cause through your song or raise money for help by organizing concerts?

A: No.

Q:  Till when will you continue singing and serving the people?


A: Till my last breath.

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