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Getting an Indian Passport from Guwahati Passport Office


People from various part of North East India come to Guwahati for submitting related documents in getting a Passport or renewing their passport. At present Tata Consultancy Service is doing good work in filing or registering an applicant through online submission.

When you step into the office of Tata Consultancy after getting an online appointment done which is compulsory, one has to undergo through the following procedure.

*On the spot photograph clicks,

*Electronic fingerprint of all ten fingers,

* Verification of Original documents at three different counters A, B and C

* An acknowledgement slip from the exit counter marks the completion of passport application. The acknowledgement slip is generated only after the last verification at Counter C is done.

Not forgetting to mention, the appointment slip scrutiny is done at the Gateway Counter ground floor. The first and foremost document verification is done.

They would make the applicants file in a dedicated file cover and sent it to the Counters A, B and C along with the appointment slips.

The self-attested photo copy of all the necessary documents will be scanned and uploaded by the staffs of the Tata Consultancy Services at Counter A. which makes things work quicker as documentation is done in soft copy, easily transferred from the consultancy to the admin Passport office where the Passport gets despatch to the applicants through postal service.

The documents which are to be submitted at the Tata Consultancy Centre are

1)      Age proof certificate – Provisional certificate of High School Leaving Certificate.

2)      Driving License if you have one

3)      Residential Proof Certificates – Ration Card, Pan Card, Residential certificate, Domicile with photo verified by round seal of the issuing authority.

4)      Qualification Certificate – Mark sheets and Pass Certificates (please carry all and they will sort out one perhaps the last appeared exam.)

5)      Verifications by concern Police Superintendent or equivalent rank as given in annexures*  

6)      An Affidavit on the full name of the parents if it appeared short in your certificates.

7)      Marriage certificate for married person or an affidavit on marriage with passport photos of both the couple

It is very compulsory to refer to the latest format from the online information about the Annexures, as the verifying officers (Superintendent of Police or … equivalent rank * are sometime unaware of the latest format.

 “ Mr. H has good moral character and some information on Mr. H is an incomplete Annexure.” Some specific information like Educational Qualification, Father’s Name etc. along with Photo verification and Photostat copy of the verifying officer is compulsory. The same copy can be seen from the link given below. We need to download and get a print out of the format and submit as per the format where all our details are filled up and the verifying officer has to sign the document with stamp.

The online appointment could be reschedule and cancel anytime according to applicants’ convenient time. If you missed one appointment you can make another.

By the service Tata Consultancy is providing, one can get online appointment in just two day time; however it depends according to the traffic of the applicants.

NB. Refer :- http://passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/welcomeLink

There are four gateway counters at the basement of the Subham building located at Wallford Road Opposite to International Hospital at Guwahati.

 Another 8 to 10 Verification Cabins at Counter A, four at B, and counter C makes the registration process faster than the previous line ups by the applicants.

 Counter C is where an APO makes the final verification. In counter B and C you might be asked to submit any additional documents from the lists of documents cross checked at gateway counter. Staffs at Counter A’ sorts out documents for verification at Counter B and C. If the APO marks a Go’ at the application form you would be told to reach out for Exit counter where you would get an acknowledgement slip.

The file you submitted successfully will be given a file number and the Regional passport office will send you the passport through speed post at your residence. This is how one gets a passport done.

It’s about read between the lines where one spelling in a document has to be the same with the name at the other document.  An abbreviated surname at one document and a fully spelled surname at the other will not do. If we have it written in our provisional certificates which could not be corrected easily we need to consult a lawyer and an affidavit for the same mistake is prepared and the affidavit is submitted along with our documents. This way it becomes valid.   

One spends a lot of money travelling to Guwahati to get a passport done. Manipur has been expecting the passport office since long time back. The right approach could be a Tata Consultancy Centre. If the State is able to convince the consultancy to open up a branch many would benefit.

Our cultural troops, government officials, academicians, sports players, Muslim friends for Mecca trip, individuals thronged the Tata Consultancy centre at Guwahati daily. And they have been facing all sorts of troubles if a document is missing they have to fly back home and flew back to Guwahati to get their passport done. The regional office needs to open up branches in the North East.

Number of people applying for fresh passport or renewal from Manipur is increasing day by day.

Besides there are many runners for passport application and people usually take it as an easy step to get a passport done. But if we follow the guidelines properly a person can save a lot of money. Nowadays an applicant has to compulsorily go to the Tata Consultancy Centre at Guwahati to get their passport done. There are many Manipuris and non-locals who lure applicants to get their help and paid them. These people charges huge amount of money says Rs 3500 and above for a passport application in helping out with their documents like preparing a document asking for what is needed rather they act as a tourists guide to the fresh applicants. In fact we need lots of awareness on the application and documentation process of passport.  A guideline centre ahead of launching of passport office in Manipur would be beneficial for the general public who wishes to get a passport.

Please refer the link given below for latest information and online form submission and annexure details:-



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