Home Media Partner Hindu College hosting Northeast Festival “NEtym 2014” on March 29, 2014

Hindu College hosting Northeast Festival “NEtym 2014” on March 29, 2014


Following tradition, Hindu College of Delhi is hosting the Northeast Festival, “NEtym 2014” on 29th March, 2014 to celebrate the diverse culture India possesses in the Northeast region.

NEtym will exhibit this region of India with their diverse social alignments and group identities which produces a high degree of fluidity and flexibility in their domain through its various events and programs around the College Campus. It also aims to forge a sense of Unity and shared belongingness of composite culture amongst the people who hail from different parts of the country. It encompasses everything from history to culture; the region’s handicrafts, food, clothing, literature, contemporary developments and will emphasize on its problems and difficulties through seminars and discussions. The Northeast Cell of Hindu College is still a young child in Delhi University, yet its growth is something remarkable. Established in 2011, it is a society which caters to the needs of the students hailing from the North Eastern region of India. Early last year in 2013 it organized a festival entitled NEtym, which ideally rejoiced the Northeast region of our country, a geographical entity blessed with rare and breathtaking beauty.

NEtym 2013 was a comprehensive enterprise that saw a footfall of students around 5000 people from all over from the city of Delhi and media coverage mediated through Press Trust of India to several media houses.

The spotlight events for the day are the National Seminar which will be conducted upon “Northeast India and the Global world” resided by eminent panelist, Rtd Army chief, Sir JJ Singh and the evening concert by Guru Reuben and Minutes of Decay with the opening by Underground Music League. Cultural events ranging from dances of different states of the NE and a fashion show, showcasing the attires inspired by NE INDIA will be held in the interim. Furthermore to ignite sportsmanship, there will be a football tournament and a Photography competition held within the campus. Flavoring the day with foodstalls, art and craft, tourism stalls and more

For more details, kindly visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NEtym2014

 This press release was submitted by Sonny Chungkham

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