Home Media Partner OUGRI 2014 of National Institute of Technology Manipur – 21st to 24th...

OUGRI 2014 of National Institute of Technology Manipur – 21st to 24th March


Cultural and Technical Festival OUGRI 2014 of National Institute of Technology Manipur which will be held from 21st to 24th March.

It has been an honour for NIT Manipur to present “ougri’14”, the Technical and Cultural festival since 2013 with the vision of sharing knowledge in various engineering disciplines and cultural events. This year Ougri’14 brings you competitions and events which will provide a platform where one can explore their skills and talents in various fields. The TechFest offers technical and non-technical events which include workshops, exhibitions, dance, unplugged, fashion, parade and many more. We believe that Ougri’14 will bring all of us together in rhapsody. Professional singers and bands across the country are performing live shows to bring ectasy and delight to those who share with us the valuable moments at the fest.

Some of the events which we are interested to host this year are:

1.   Science Exhibition

2.   Debate

3.   Quiz

4.   Fashion Show

5.   Dance

6.   Games and Sports

7.   Painting

8.   Workshop

9.   Debugging

10. Un-Plugged \

11.  Two pro-nites and more…     

OUGRI, which was also known as Leiroi Ngongloi Eshei, was also an anonymous and undated poetry written in archaic Meeteilon. But it is believed to have been written in the pre-Christian era. It was a part of LEISHEMLON PUYA, the old scripture about Meetei cosmogony.

One may follow the latest development at website http://www.ougri.org/ or facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/the.art.of.ougri

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