Home Contribution Voice of the People Thadou Students’ Association reasserts stance on 3 bills & ILPS; suggests viable...

Thadou Students’ Association reasserts stance on 3 bills & ILPS; suggests viable solution


By James Haokip

Considering the current political and social environment in Manipur against the backdrop of the passing of the 3 bills – the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015, the Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015, and the Manipur Shops and Establishments (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015 – by the Manipur Legislative Assembly on 31 August 2015, the Thadou Students’ Association – General Headquarters (TSA-GHQ) would like to reassert its stance on the issue and spell out the reasons in detail.

While TSA shares the concern of Inner Line Permit System (ILPS) supporters regarding the alarmingly fast growingstate’s demographic imbalance which indeed presents a grim situationand threatens the interests of the indigenous people of the state both in the valley and in the hills, it also has serious concerns regarding some of the clauses contained in the 3 bills that will potentially impinge upon tribal rights over their identity and land and their interests severely undermined once the bills are enacted to become law and implemented.

For example, clause 2(b) of the Protection of Manipur People Bill defines “Manipur People” as “Persons of Manipur whose names are in the National Register of Citizens, 1951, Census Report 1951 and Village Directory of 1951 and their descendants who have contributed collective social, cultural and economic life of Manipur.” Given the poor administrative and recording systems due to various reasons in the hills during the year 1951 which is only 4 years since India’s independence and 21 years before Manipur attained statehood in 1972, and also the fact that most of the tribals were illiterate, it is most likely that the names of most of the tribal people would not have been recorded in even one of them, let alone all of them. Even if they had been recorded, their descendants proving the relationship would be difficult. This means most of the tribals will be excluded from being “Manipur People” and treated as “outsiders” even in their own ancestral land and community. It is doubtful the tribal legislators who supported the bills would be safe either.

Further, the “Statement of Object and Reasons” in the bill referred to “Manipur” as “one of the small hill States in the North-Eastern region of India”. This has naturally led the tribals to suspect that the term “small hill” is used in reference to Manipur, which actually consists of the hills and the valley, with an intention to affect uniform land laws for the whole state of Manipur, without any exception to hill or tribal area, and also to legitimise the demand for Meiteis to be recognised as a scheduled tribe – a ploy to deprive the tribals of their rights over their land, identity and privileges.

The passing of the bills without duly consulting the tribals have cost 9 precious tribal lives (the tribal martyrs whose dead bodies are yet to be buried) who were killed while protesting against the bills and since then the protest movements for and against the bills spearheaded by the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS)and JAC Against Anti-Tribal Bills respectively have intensified on both sides, plunging the state into chaos and anarchy-like situation.

The State Government and supporters of the bills have repeatedly tried to dispel the apprehensions held by the tribals over certain clauses by saying that the bills will not in any way affect the hill or tribal area. However, this explanation has failed to convince the tribals because of certain reasons, such as clause 1(2) of the introduction to the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015 which states “It shall extend to the whole of the State of Manipur”. Statement of Objects and Reasons of the bill defines Manipur (State of Manipur) as covering both the hill and valley of the State. As the bill itself clearly states, clearly the bill covers the whole of the State of Manipur.

Repeated attempts to allay the apprehensions by quoting clause 8 of the bill which states “The provision of this Act shall not apply to – (a) the native people of the State of Manipur” have consistently proved futile as the bill nowhere defines “the native people of the State of Manipur”.

Clause 2 of the Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015 provides for transfer of authority from District Commissioner to Manipur Legislative Assembly/Cabinet over sale of land in scheduled area in the hills. This essentially meansthat the fate of tribal land ownership or the rights of tribals over their land and resources will rest on the state or an authority dominated and controlled by the dominant community. This will enhance the power of the State Government to unduly interfere in tribal affairs. For this reason, among others, TSA is seriously concerned that the already marginalised and disadvantaged tribals due to reasons including, but not limited to, the Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms Act, 1960 which has already adversely affected tribal land ownership rights due to its applicability in some parts of hill districts, will be further marginalised and disadvantaged due to the new legislation.

The concerns held by the tribals over the bills, and more so due to the failure of Hill Areas Committee (HAC), sanctioned under Article 371-C of the Indian constitution to provide constitutional safeguards for hill areas of Manipur, to protect tribal interests and in the absence of 6th schedule provisions, the constitutional safeguards for the tribals, in tribal or hill areas of Manipur, is genuine and most legitimate.

Hence, TSA, as also ThadouInpi, Thadou Youth Association and Thadou Women’s Association, joining hands with other tribal organisations support the ongoing tribal movement spearheaded by JAC against anti-tribal bills and will continue to do so unwaveringly until the bills are withdrawn or unless the clauses that are against tribal interest are removed.

It is imperative that the Government of Manipur implements the 6th schedule of the constitution of India in tribal areas/hill districts of Manipur so that tribals can feel safe and secure living under the administration of Manipur Government, otherwise it will only exacerbate their concerns and the demand for an administration totally separate from Manipur will only gain popularity more and more among the tribals. The dominant community and the Government of Manipur must appreciate and support 6th schedule provisions to be implemented in tribal areas – this will in turn help securetribals’ support to the ILPS movement. We wish to urge the Government of Manipur to implement it sooner than later in the best interests of the tribalsand in promoting emotional and territorial integrity of the state.

TSA would like to fervently appeal the Government of Manipur as well as the Central Government against acting under the pressure of a particular community against the wishes of others. We also appeal the Government of Manipur and the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS) to either withdraw the anti-tribal bills or review and amend them such that they suit not only the interests of a particular community but of all indigenous communities of Manipur. Should this not occur soon,we wish to urge the Central Government to interveneimmediately to bring about an amicable solution and to restore normalcy in the state before it is too late.

The author is Secretary General of  Thadou Students’ Association


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  1. only one solution is there for the better future of manipur.. That is equality and unity.. thinks as one. we have to forget u are kuki, u are meetei, u are naga… . We have to think only one community live in manipur thats in manipuri..

  2. Dear friends if you have any ideas, then plz tell me when the district boundries of manipur was drawn, why its drawn.. how its drawn, No one can separate manipur, do you know why….. when manipur joint to india, why the meetei community did not joint ST status… Everybody knows demographically, geographycally ,historically meetei belong to ST. Who creat the idea of meetei land kuki land and nagaland in manipur…. There is only one land call manipur and its belong to manipuri.. there is only one people live in manipur that is manipuri.

    • Have some self respect. The world may have enough space to accommodate imbeciles like u, but I have no interest in your barbarism. You may try to troll me like a dog because you have neither the brain to give meaningful comments nor anything worth doing. Learn some manners to participate in social fora. GADHA.

  3. ”Mine is mine, yours also is mine” Please stop this agenda. We cannot touch an inch of your land, but, you can build leikai after leikai in any place of the valley. What kind of law is this?? What about those nepalis, biharis and bengalis owning lands in the hills?? Any hills in the valley are all under hill states. Leave alone all these!! How can you assure that your homestead lands will be safeguarded if the mayangs’ population outnumbers ours?? If mayang becomes the Chief Minister of Manipur, how can assure that ur lands will be safeguarded??? Tripuris are all STs, but what’s their destiny?? What about their lands being occupied by Bengalis??? Com’on!! Its time to wake up to safeguard our very own state. Let’s stand as one for all. Otherwise we will be slaves in our own houses.

  4. I don’t think so… The coin has two sides, if the GOI gives assent to ILP, it should also give assent to the other side of the coin for diversity of unity in Manipur.

  5. Tamils of Tamilnadu supported our ILP demand. People of Telangana are also ready to support. NESO is supporting. All national political parties having presence in Manipur are united in demanding ILP. All tribal MLAs also support this demand. … GoI will surely not be blind.

  6. Mr Dalli Alli I don’t know hu u are but i am preety sure u are not a good person..If you feel angry with Yumnam Singh Then fight with him why u are using “the AmericaNs r not lyke U people, they r on Top N u Imphal People r nothing compare 2 them” this kinds of words

  7. Mr. Yumnam Singh…, DonT try to
    compare Manipur with d United States…..?? How can u compare….soooo silly….! Mr., the AmericaNs r not lyke U people, they r on Top N u Imphal People r nothing compare 2 them., Shame on u…..!

  8. Tribes from other NE states support ILP in Manipur But the tribals in Manipur are to busy thinking about there ST quota. Grow up guys it’s not stone age.

  9. Issues of survival, ethnic preservation, safe guarding of indigenous land….all rolled into this demand for ILPS has gripped the entire NE. Even an American wrote to me that USA is facing somewhat similar problems there, and hence the popularity of Trump.

  10. Base year 1951 means:I came to manipur in 1960 I am staying 50 years in manipur.. so I am manipuri(This kind of outsider will not be consider as manipuri). Its not for those who belong to manipur manipur whether they register or not,they will be always manipuri

  11. TatZ Y I told u people; U people can not do whatever U people wanna do….. Manipur is not only ur Place; iTz 4 all…. U people can’t force people to say/do whatever U people wanna say/do….!

  12. Tell us where is ILPS Convenor, Ratan….?? He should be held accountable for all tiz….! He can’t be an ILPS CONVENOR by day; N an underground terrorist by night…../ If he is not a terrorist then, he can easily surrender b4 the Security Force N prove his innocence…..

  13. Please try to understand “base year 1951″ is only for outsiders ” THose outsider who came to to manipur and register before 1951 will be taken as manipuri” Not for manipuris, who are already live in manipur (it include all tribal meetei pangal wheather they register or not they will be always manipuri). And one more thing manipur is a hill state and we all are tribal.

  14. very simple kuki ching not belongs from manipur n India they ve no right to demand KUKILAND too, we ve to kick it out from here, now moreh dominated by kukichin, ccpur, kangpok-p, n some part of imphal too……expanding kuki chin virus……..so we need strong drug like ILPs to kill virus….

  15. And Ilp issue is only for indigenous people’s of Manipur , why should we care for those unknwon traitors refugees , Did we say that they ‘re not allow to settle in Manipur , I don’t think so , than why ? Those fuckhead tribals are blabbering shit
    Bla bla , who cares ? We ‘ll fight untill&unless turn 3 bills into acts .let’s c there will be huge consequence and the responsibility should take by state & central gov’t ..

  16. I felt pity for those illiterate ppl , seem worried that’s we meeteis will capture all their land as if , how come those 3 bills are anti tribals ,explain how ? I don’t think so coz it’s already flask back in media if there is anti tribals bills than just pin point out and discuss with government or local bodies of organisation ☺simply don’t bark and loitering around like fuckhead in social media , bye keep jealous on us

  17. Lenox Danzel, First make your stand clear whether Manipur is a hill state or not. We can proceed with our dignified discussion then.

  18. The Bill is meant for protecting INDIGENIOUS people of Manipur. That means the original inhabitants of Manipur. Its not a question of Meitei, Pangal, Kuki, Naga etc. etc. It covers all. Whoever oppose are immigrants, not original dwellers. They are afraid of being pushed back to their origins. If Kukis and Meitei pangal and any other community who are against the bill and residing in Manipur prove that their origin is Manipur, then they need not to worry about. Lairik heiba meenadi gyan pop tani.

    • Guys i support yr comnt atei cda ngi mymse origini oidaba ngktane its all about politice tribe people are use as an instrument to proceed dive and rule system as they r da most foolish person i ever see they fear coz they r liar n cheater they think that meitei comunity may occupy over then in fact not such things will happen tribes r very cuning

  19. Again you are avoiding the point if discussion. Please clarify to the pointa of TSA if you have the answere. Then we can perhaps proceeds to next agenda. I am most open for a healthy and constructive debate

    • So what Mr. Yumnam Singh…..??
      U people are soooo stupid, tyme killing TabletZ…..! ITz u people only who r responsible for all tizz…..!

    • Mr Dalli Alli fake account holder, if u can’t maintain some decency, lay off. First learn some social etiquette and some proper English. See u no more, m not interested in people like u. I’m not replying further. Bye.

    • #Mr. Yumnam Singh….., a person lyke a calibre of u ve no business to ask me lyke tat….!
      Just tell us where is ILPS Convenor, RATAN, tell us Why is he absconding…..?? He should kum ouT N surrender b4 the Security Forces N prove his innocence…..

  20. Hope you make your stand clear regarding whether Manipur is a hilly state or not for our discussion to proceed.

  21. I know both of us does not matter much. Having raised this issue on this site I thought it will be appropriate to provide feed back for understanding of the participants. Otherwise I know nobody ia going to listen to both of us

  22. Do you accept that Manipur is a hill state? If not explain why? Do you also accept the fact that bills passed so unanimously by all MLAs present including tribal MLAs are binding to all?

    Dear mate, your acceptance or otherwise is of little value as is of mine. If you choose not to accept, it’s a democratic right for you. However, what’s important is the truth.

  23. Pureiromba Angomcha Meetei looks like you have no solid points from your comments. I need concrete reply not just bull dozing the truth

    • Please try to understand “base year 1951″ is only for outsiders ” THose outsider who came to to manipur and register before 1951 will be taken as manipuri” Not for manipuris, who are already live in manipur (it include all tribal meetei pangal wheather they register or not they will be always manipuri). And one more thing manipur is a hill state and we all are tribal.

    • Example: I came to manipur in 1960 I am staying 50 years in manipur.. so I am manipuri(This kind of outsider will not be consider as manipuri)

  24. I know. u r refugee came from mynmar that show ur holly book.no need 2 come here(delhi).he he he nang ga(necket without cloths)person.

  25. Putting words in other people’s mouth…..Manipur is a hilly state. The bills are for protection of all INDIGENOUS MANIPURIS. No question here.

  26. At first the tribal were thinking that the bill was for protecting Manipur from Bihari Marwari or Bengali. But on closer look it was targeting the tribals. This is the reason why tribals initially were just silent. After sometime IPAK announced that Kukis and Muslim pangals are foreigner. This was the point where mistrust have been created.

    • thats true!!! we ve to kick out kuki chin refugees/illegal migrants from Myanmar n Bangladesh Muslims!!! now starting demanding KUKILAND……….so now its better for us to kick it out from here!

    • Please try to understand “base year 1951″ is only for outsiders ” THose outsider who came to to manipur and register before 1951 will be taken as manipuri” Not for manipuris, who are already live in manipur (it include all tribal meetei pangal wheather they register or not they will be always manipuri). And one more thing manipur is a hill state and we all are tribal.

    • I came to manipur in 1960 I am staying 50 years in manipur.. so I am manipuri(This kind of outsider will not be consider as manipuri)

  27. Atleast Iam glad to know the concerns . Amicable solutions can be brought if these are the ones impending the enactment.

  28. its not about discrimination or dominating by mass community, its only about awakening in right time. We meetei had been fooled or asleep for long period of time. Actually minority group are all in advance in all aspect and we are just trying to follow your precious path. That all. Thank you and dont be so narrow mind. You too live and us too.

  29. So you have no answere to the points raised by TSA. This prove that the bill discriminatory and serves the purpose of dominant community. I too feel that you have no answere

  30. Do you have answere to the points given by TSA. See why dont you try to see other point of view instead of avoiding the truth

  31. hahahaha…..illegal migrants refugees from Myanmar !!!go back to your homeland………….no need to modification on the present bills!!!

  32. Correctly pointed out. Thanks TSA for protecting the poor tribals from the dominant and advance community


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