Home Entrepreneurship Others The goal of an enterprising mind earn a brand for Yambem Furniture...

The goal of an enterprising mind earn a brand for Yambem Furniture House.


Born to a very skilled farmer who has left some fortune to the family Yambem Satya followed the path of his father in his mid thirties and became a very successful entrepreneur who believes in aiming big and excelling in his carpentry works.

Established in the year 1998 Yambem furniture house started picking up fame in the year 2004. The speciality of the furniture house was the touchwood paint which Satya himself work on for three years and achieve excellence one fine evening in a closet.

For the successful implementation of works and marketing strategies Manipur Institute of Management Studies (MIMS), Manipur University awarded him entrepreneur of the year award 2005.  

Cupboard, Chair, Table, Almirah, Sofa Set, Dining Table, TV Stand, Gas Box, Computer Table, Dressing Table, Cloth Hanger, mirror stand and other items are made in his furniture house. The skilled carpenters in Yambem Furniture House make various designs according to the customer’s choice who usually orders at the time of their daughter’s marriage for Dowry.

Currently Satya engages more than 50 skilled and unskilled Carpenters in his Carpentry house located at Kakching.

Satya inspired by life and works of Hijam Irabot recalling his earlier days narrated that the availability of touchwood paints in the markets of Manipur was not utilise to the best until very lately by many and I successfully aim for bringing out the best use of it in the earlier times.

Those days in the hit and trial method I have to restart my polish work when I make mistakes or feel that the shine on the wood is not up to the mark.

As I study the furniture market I had a firm believe that the finishing touch to the wooden furniture is a deciding factor for many who come to buy carpentry products. So I work on day and night to give a glittering shine on my wooden furniture. I usually work in a closet.

At times I realised I have not slept the night. The passion was strong and I was learning all by myself until I found perfectionthe other day.

My face was reflected in the wooden surface coated by touchwood paints as I continue polishing in the evening. The wood type where I first attended perfect polish paint was Leihao grown abundantly in Manipur.

I call all my team to enter my closet and reveal my perfection. We gain lots of hopes and expectation for big sales. And for the next couple of years trucks line up to pick our products and the demand double tripled as we sell out our finish goods. Mostly people from Imphal and other districts besides Thoubal came to buy our products and our furniture house gain popularity in Manipur.Besides polish I use to hunt for woods from Sanalokchao near Singda Dam those days.

I did all the polish and paint work for one or two years in the beginning. I neverreveal my secret to others including my co-workers. I started training them when I realise that over working for long period might affect my health condition. My employees get to learn the art of fine polish as I teach and guide them to maturity.

His biggest sales are products made of teak. Even the army men posted in Manipur picks up his products to carry home is one comment from a skill carpenter engaged in Yambem Furniture House.

The raw materials procured from different places for the furniture work ranges from Leihao, Teak, Khaewo, Tolhao, Kelli, Wang etc.

One uniqueness of Yambem Furniture House is that they uses mechanise methods. Planers (20 inch wood planner), circular saw, ban saw, etc are some of the tools.

There are different works shed where different people are engage for different work. A group will work on the planner for smoothening the surfaces of the wood. Another team will work on the saw for cutting into pieces while the assemble group will fix up and the polish team will polish the product in different chamber.

In the morning and evening a group of unskilled labour will carry the wood in appropriate work sheds.   

Other furniture houses lured my employees with better promises and they started producing fine products with quality polish and paints. I am happy as the quality product is enhancing through my employees wherever they are working and we are experiencing a better product.

However I would like to impart computer knowledge to my employees in my furniture house and learn the art of seasoning wood from China our neighbouring country.

Before I began this furniture house I was doing another business of hatching chicken. I procure a machine that hatches 1000 chicken in a go. After a brief period of time I have to stop the business as many chicken started dying.

While trying to bring down the chicken shed I made for the hatching and rearing my brother in law who is interested in carpentry approached me to start a furniture house in the same shed.

I started investing on carpentry work. Along with my brother in law Samkishor we started a furniture house. We do not have our own saw mill that time. In a year time we have made lots of furniture products but there was no sale. People even started criticizing but in due course of time the furniture house excelled to peak sales and became a favourite for many.

After becoming a successful business man Satya Singh again inspired by HijamIrabot who during his life time reform the society with profound enthusiasm started donating funds for better causes.

He is presently the founder president of “the women football Academy Kakching”, Liberty Theatre, Vice president of Sahitya Seva Samiti, Kakching, Treasurer – Library and information centre Kakching, Treasurer Hindustani SangeetMahaVidyalaya, Kakching.

Recently he was awarded “Sahitya Sevak 2012 “by Manipur SahityaParishad.

Mention may be made that he has recently donated land to ‘The Women Fotball Academy Kakching. Earlier he has also contributed significantly towards building of Library and information centre Kakching a power house for inspirational programmes on education for young students. Every now and then he also gives financial aid for any good cause besides regular contribution to wherever he is associated currently. He is associated in planning’s and timely meets for running the organisations he is associated with.

A prosperous business man and a successful parent who is very hard working Satya has three siblings. Two of his sons are in the engineering line at top colleges in India. His eldest son after completing Mechanical Engineering from IIT Guwahati is pursuing MBA. The youngest son is doing engineering course from the same college in Computer Science while his daughter is pursuing Master’s Degree in Botany from Delhi University. 

Satya Singh despite being a businessman who has not attended higher studies encourages his siblings to study hard and become successful man. A proud father now and a very thoughtful man Satya in his mid-sixties is gaining popularity for his furniture house and his contribution to the society.

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