Home Media Partner LRS India’s Three Days Edu-Xpo 2013 kicks off

LRS India’s Three Days Edu-Xpo 2013 kicks off


The three days
Edu-Xpo 2013 organised by the LRS india kicked off today at Nupi-Lal memorial complex, Imphal. The event will continue untilApril, 10.

About 19 renowned universities and institutes from all over the country are participating in the said Edu-Xpo 2013. The participating Institutes are, Excel Group of Institutions, Salem, KR group of colleges, Karnataka, Aditya Group of Institutions, Samalkha Group of Institutions, New Delhi, Quest Group Institutions, Punjab, Grantham college of Nursing sciences, Madhya Pradesh, ITM university, Gwalior, Sanskriti Group of Institutions, Mathura, UTM university, Shillong, Dev Bhumi Group institutions, Dehradun, Vidhya joti Group of Institutions, Chandigarh, VIT university, Jaipur, Pace institute of Technology and sciences, Andra Pradesh, SCAD Group of Institutions, JK Laksmipath university, Jaipur, Classic Hospitality Training Institute, Manipur, Unity academy of Education, Ansal Institue of Technology and Management, Uttar Pradesh, Laksmi Memorial college of Nursing, Karnataka.

Because of the ongoing Indefinite general strike called by the JAC demanding  the Government to bring out the real culprit behind the heinous  killing of one woman doctor, Satyabhama, the edu-expo suffers some major setback witnessing few people turning up in the expo.

Regarding the Edu-Xpo, Dr. L. Robindro Singh, Managing Director of LRS India Pvt. Ltd. who is also the main organizer of the event, inan exclusive interview with Manipur times said, this Edu-Xpo is a great platform which basically helps in the development  and advancement  of the education sector of the state of Manipur. It offers a golden opportunity to the students as well as the renowned universities/Institutes to interact themselves. The students, parents or anybody can receive various information regarding the universities/Institutes.


Photo Credit: Manipurtimes


 “The participating institutes are invited by LRS India to take part in the expo. For this, we have prepared for about six months. Some renowned universities refused to visit Manipur for fear of the prevailing Law and order situation in Manipur. Those Institutes of the outside opening their stalls in the ongoing expo were reluctant first to visit Manipur. They, however, come here after having assured them a lot by us about their safety. Students should not miss the opportunity of this event”, appeals Dr. Robondro.



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