Home Self-Employment Handloom, Cane and Craft Kamesh Salam – founder of World Bamboo day – Part 2

Kamesh Salam – founder of World Bamboo day – Part 2



Prospect of Manipur

Manipur has rich handicraft and handloom product from its industry. Their unique selling point has to blend with the local customary food, craft, all combine in a package.

Going to Delhi Haat twice a year for fair is not the end, how long will it sustain. During Lai Haraoba – we can promote Lai Haraoba tourism. We can promote spring tourism, Winter tourism. Different tourism we can promote thematic tourism we can start. When the tourists go back home the word will spread out.

Trekking, cycling, paddy plantation, fishing tourism are another feature and tourists are paying premium for that. This is happening in various part of the world.

Wherever I go, I eat local food. I always prefer basic. I go to vegetable market. Indonesia, Burma, and East Timor are selling Parkia Speciosa (Yongchak) and we have the same food habit.

In ate the best sea food in East Timor. I can get it in the hotel but going to the sea shore and having fresh there is different. I like to see the local and find out what they eat. And I guess there are so many people from different parts of the world who would like to feel the aesthetic beauty of Manipur and the people living here.

What bamboo has given to you in your personnel life?

Bamboo has given me connectivity to the world. I have travel in most remote part of the world and interacted with the people in the village not in the city.

Future of Manipur in Bamboo Industry

First we need a strong political commitment. It should be a flagship programme. Neighboring States like Assam and Mizoram has a flagship program.

We have to sensitize our elected members. We should have a pressure group.  We can have a group of likeminded young people or a group of NGO. Something to push the issue and to generate ideas, to have some meetings.

We have lots of issues, AFSPA movement, ILP. It should be like that we need a strong momentum.

This is going to bring you income, economy, everything.  If Manipuri have the will to take up major steps in India where people of the nation cannot like in sports. We can excel in the field of Bamboo too.

We are in a big bowl which is very deep, Manipur is a land locked State.  Blending culture, craft, and food tourism under one package for a proper marketing will help draw 30 to 40 thousand tourists annually.

Vietnam is a success they have created thousands of Craft Village. People of developed countries live in skyscraper they want to experience the village lifestyle. And craft and bamboo village could be the best happening area for them.


Please grow bamboo. Grow bamboo which can be commercially buyable. Which can be used for housing, handicraft, and promote bamboo as a housing material, as we are in any case for our day to day life. More products which can be useful for mass application.

We are making different artifacts, handicraft out of bamboo. But the issue of building with bamboo have never been discussed or never been dissimilated with the stakeholders in the state of Manipur so we have also organized a bamboo building seminar recently and Bamboo Gazebo which is a bamboo hut and pavement was open to the public by the commissioner of Arts and Culture.

Backgrounder :-

Founder and Executive Director, South Asia Bamboo Foundation, (SaBF) India.

Former President, World Bamboo Organization (WBO)

Expert Member, Apex and steering Committee of National Bamboo Mission

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India.

Member, Manipur Bio – Diversity Board, Govt. of India.

Member, National Afforestation and Eco Development Board, Regional Centre, NEHU, Shillong, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt of India.

Member, Manipur Bio Diversity Board. Govt.of Manipur.

Consultant, Royal Bhutan Government.

Advisory Member of FICCI – North East Council, India.

Link to Kamesh Salam – founder of World Bamboo day – Part 1

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