Home Media Partner ‘Leiyisigi wangmada’ to screen premier show on August 30 at BOAT

‘Leiyisigi wangmada’ to screen premier show on August 30 at BOAT


Tripura, known as Takhao by Manipuris in ancient days, has an indispensable relation with Manipur. By historical account, Manipur kings married off their daughters to the kings of Tripura so as to bring a good diplomatic relation between the two sovereign nations. Several Manipuris settled in Tripura and many antics related to Manipur are still preserved in Tripura state Museum. Ipak films Manipur attempts to showcase the aged old historical and cultural relations between the two states through its fifth production ‘Leiyisigi Wangmada’ following its successful production ‘Eegi Khongul’. The film, whose shooting location was mainly based at Tripura, would help the audience to envisage more about the realities of Tripura.

Focused more on thematic treatment and art rather than commercial point of view, the new Manipuri feature film ‘Leiyisigi Wangmada’ produced under the banner of Ipak Films production is waiting for schedule to release publicly on August 30 , 2014 at Beigyachandra Open Air Theatre, BOAT  at 6 pm with Manipur Times as media partner.

Synopsis of the film

Leishemba (Rahul) and Apanba (Mahesh) are two brothers whose parents had demised early at their tender age. Leishemba who loves and cares for his younger brother engages himself in any available manual jobs to earn for his family and sending his brother to school.  Apanba met with Thambal (Chitra) of Tripura when he went to Tripura for conducting research on Manipuri diaspora scattering in Tripura. Eventually they fell in love each other.

Leishemba too met with Chanchan (Jennifer) who used to look after her ailing mother Lalitabi with her earning from hardship manual jobs. The duo who met themselves at the same worksite fell in love and used to help each other in times of need. Susmita who acts the character of an Advocate and sister of a local villain Venus (Ratan Lai) too loves Apanba. Once Leishemba rescued Chanchan when local villain Venus attempted to rape her. It provoked Venus to take revenge upon Leishemba who later on was beaten to death on the same day when his brother Apanba and Thambal came back to Manipur from Tripura. Susmita was helpless and could not reveal her love to Leishemba as and when she learn that Chanchan and Leishemba loved each other.

Actors like Mahesh Rahul, Sushmita, Chitra, Ratan Lai, Jennifer, Nandakumar, Geeta, Nonila, Bidiyashowri, Lalitabi, Venus, Keke Wahengbam, Kuber,  Ibopishak, Suraj, Ravi,Ibopishak, Sunil, Romario, Keshow Irengba, Thoi are taking main roles in the film while Pakhangba,, Tamthoi, Suraj, Nisha are working as supporting roles and Jasaoda, Sushil, Thembung  and Thenao as child artistes.

 For Actress Chitra who happens to be a prominent singer in the state, she acts as main role for the first the time in her film career. The three songs in the film penned by lyricists Rakesh Naorem, S. Lakpati and RK Sanahanbi are given meaningful soul by play back singers Pushparani, Chitra, Naoboi, Nanao Sagolmang, Khun Jiban with Nanao Sagolmang as music director.

The art film is produced by Rakesh Naorem with OC Meira as director, Yaiskul Khwairakpam as story writer, Chana Lukhoi as screenplay and dialogue and Premchand as cinematographer. Earlier, Rakesh Naorem has successfully produced some films.

A brief note from the producer Rakesh Naorem

Ipak films production attempts to produce the new film Leiyisigi wangmada with a unique taste unlike its earlier productions. I hope this film would be highly instrumental towards bridging up the gap among the Manipuri diaspora scattering everywhere while conveying a message ti Manipuri society in terms of self reliance, dignity of labour and work culture.

Ipak film always prepares to come out with new more quality films so as to enrich Manipur film industry. However, the trend of my film production will stay away from the trend of commercial films for the time being. This is because, I think, Manipuri society needs films created with thematic treatment and art to bring about a social change. Despite all these facts, Ipak films knows the choice of our audience and hence is all set to work on a new trend of film production right from 2015 onwards.

Some other crew members :-

Production Design: Ojitkumar Luwangcha

 Executive Producer: Tongbram(O) Indira and Elina Thangjam

 Consultant: R.K. Sanahal

Chief Cunsultant: Thoudam Netrajit

Official Partner: NAHAKAL, ENIGMA Beauty Clinic, Nagamapal Lamabam Leiaki

Still: Premjit

 Trolley: Kavi, Naoba & Imo

Light: Ipak films and Brojen Wangkhei 

Asst. Make Up: Nity, Bisho & Sunder 

Make-up: Chaoba and Eliza

Bacground Score: R.K. Birendrajit

Music Director: Nanao Sagolmang

Cinematography: Premchand Namara 

Processed at: CCC Media

Editor: Romi Lamabam and Boong K.

Story: Yaiskul Khwairakpam

Screenplay: Chana Lukhoi 

Dialogue: Raghu Leishangthem

 Asst. Director: Roshan Soraisham, Baamcha Ningthouja & Samananda

Chief Consultant: R.K. Sanahal

Associate Producer: Lai Tombi Phaknung


Co-Producer: Abin Shaha

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