Home Self-Employment Others Hotel Uyok : A recreational place for Kakching Garden Visitors

Hotel Uyok : A recreational place for Kakching Garden Visitors


Uyok Ching of Kakching once signified the culture of the perseverance of various plants and trees, especially pine trees at the small hill lock. While after generations, the very significance of the hill has beautified with newly constructed gardens, view spots, well rejuvenated religious sacred places. And now this special small hill at the southern part of Kakching, under Thoubal District, Manipur is popularly known as Kakching Garden. Everyday, hundreds and hundreds of visitors comes to the garden. “We get to see a very special view of Manipur Valley, which we do not get the chance to view the same from anywhere else”, said one Prem Lourembam, a resident of Thoubal, a frequent visitor to the garden.
Moreover, Uyok Hotel, as recreational place at the top of the hill serves the visitors an energizing point. A point, where every visitors use to breath out after been walked nearly one and half kilometer from the foot hill, at least with a cup of tea at Uyok Hotel. “Quality of food items available here and the prices are quite reasonable as compare to other hotels and restaurants in other tourist spots in Manipur”, said one Khokhol Touthang, a resident of Game Village, Langol, who was visiting the garden with family kids. While interacting with her, I could see how the family children were enjoying Chowmine at the hotel. She said, her family children love to visit this place very much and this is our third consecutive Sunday to come here. “The reasonable price of the food items makes more comfortable to the visitors, especially school going students” said a student who as ordering for a plate of fried rice and a cup of green tea.
It is very much important to keep in mind the economy and living standard of our consumers while establishing a business, said Swami Pukhrambam, owner and manager of Uyok Hotel. Our Hotel’s price menu is set in such a way that anybody, poor or rich, student or a working man could afford easily.
Swami, second son among four children of P. Joykumar Singh and P. Ibemu of Kakching Wairi Senapati Leikai has the enthusiasm to do business since early age of just after completing class X in 2004. “For me, finding a way out to earn money was the only way to escape from books and study”, said Swami laughing out loudly. He said, he started doing small business in different establishments from time to time, since 2005. He never minded or hesitated in doing any good will business. Besides Uyok Hotel, this young business proprietor has successfully run a departmental store “Makhal Mathel” at Kakching Market already and dreaming to expand, although he does not have any educational qualification in business related streams. Perhaps, Swami can be a symbol of interest, enthusiast, goodwill and hard work.

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  1. Is there facility for stay for 2/3 days, will there be meals other than tea and chowmin. is there possible for family stay, what about security.


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