Home Advertising Manipurtimes Ads Platform & Tariff of the year 2016

Manipurtimes Ads Platform & Tariff of the year 2016


Our Motto : Caring Brand Value Growth – Value of Advertising Money

Manipurtimes.com website has  ~1000 daily unique visitors (counted with Google Analytics which avoids hit counts from search bots and other spambots, while Manipurtimes Facebook page has 1.52 lac members and recently started Facebook group has 9 thousands members as on February 6, 2016.

ManipurTimes Advantage – Largest subscribers among Manipur based FB pages

Launched in January 23, 2013 with a motive to inspire the youths of Manipur through the aspiring yet challenging human stories of the people of Manipur, in 3 years of its existence Manipurtimes have progressively build trust with its fans, which is shown by the Manipur Times Facebook page subscribers of 1.5 lac until January 23, 2016. As on today, Manipurtimes has the largest subscribers among all the Facebook pages managed by several media houses of Manipur.

Since inception, Manipurtimes keeps on adding its subscribers with the addition of daily ~135 likes on average. We strongly believe that at the end of 2016, MT fan base will cross 2 lacs.

Social networking sites work on the principle of organic and viral information sharing. Hence, with 1.5 lacs of MT fans, in a month it can reach out to over 1 million Facebook users that came from friends of friend networks. At times, MT FB page reach are as high as 3 million.

Advertising X Branding > Brand Value Growth > Business Growth for Years to Come

Every business enterprises value for money they would invest for the online advertising. They would care for the brand values of their business enterprises and its products and services. Building the trust with the customers and clients vis-à-vis brand value growth of your business enterprises and products are the key elements to your business growth for years to come. Effective advertising and branding are the keys to brand value growth of your business enterprise that eventually will lead the continuous business growth for years to come.

Manipurtimes Ads Platform

With increasing penetration of Internet and people are more connected among the youth and middle aged people of Manipur in particular using the smart phones/devices, online advertising will become a trend for many of the business houses of Manipur in near future. Manipurtimes take the lead to provide cheap online advertising platform to serve the needs of the fast growing business enterprises, artisans of Manipur.

Our motto: “Caring Brand Value Growth – Value of Advertising Money”

Three Ways of Advertising at Manipurtimes Ads Platform

Manipurtimes offers three ways of advertising using Manipurtimes Advertising (Ads) Platform. For what and how to submit, check at the end of this post.

Daily Ads

  • Suitable for time bound Ads such as Event Promotion, Time Bound Discount Sales
  • Duration of Ads: Minimum of 7 days to maximum of 28 Days


  • 300 X 225 pixel for. Col Ads at Manipurtimes website and rectangular (4X3 ratio) promotional banners for FB Ads
  • At least 200 words (maximum to 500 words) describing key message of the Ads campaign.
  • A landing website/webpage or FB page/event (it is recommended, however not compulsory)

Nature of Ads

  • FB Ads: Ads to share daily at FB Ads, alternatively at Manipurtimes FB page and FB group.
  • Col Ads: Keep in the R. Col Ads rotation along with other banners in interval of 5 seconds.

Endorser Ads

  • Suitable for long term Product/Services/Shop Promotion
  • Duration of Ads: Minimum of 12 weeks to maximum of 52 weeks


  • 300 X 225 pixel for. Col Ads at Manipurtimes website and rectangular (4X3 ratio) promotional banners for FB Ads
  • At least 200 words (maximum to 500 words) describing key message of the Ads campaign.
  • A landing website/webpage or FB page/event.

Nature of Ads

  • FB Ads: Ads to share weekly at FB Ads, alternatively at Manipurtimes FB page and FB group.
  • Col Ads: Keep in the R. Col Ads rotation along with other banners in interval of 5 seconds.

Value Added Services for MT Endorsers

  • 3 Credits of Daily Ads ( 1 credit = 7 days Daily Ads as defined in Daily Ads)
  • 1 credit of Video Ads ( 1 credit = 7 days of Video Ads)
  • 30% Descount on Daily Ads / Video Ads could be entertained as a MT endorser.
  • One credit of Featured Ads that would be visible on the front page of Manipurtimes.com along with other featured ads from MT Endorsers/Sponsors. A landing page like manipurtimes.com/your-company will be created with the materials supplied to us. Click here for an example page

Sponsor Ads

  • Sponsor Ads will have the maximum visibility at Manipurtimes.com website. Business name or product brand will be projected as the sponsors of Manipurtimes or published stories/news/articles.
  • Your business name will also be projected as the sponsors of minimum one public event or serving for social causes that Manipurtimes plan to conduct during 2016. A list will be updated in March/April 2016.
  • Suitable for creating Brand value of company, product or the service
  • Duration of Ads: Minimum of 12 weeks to maximum of 52 weeks


  • 300 X 225 pixel banner for Side Col Ads at Manipurtimes website – Two banners
  • 725 X 90 pixel banner for website Header/Article Ads – Two Banners
  • Rectangular (4X3 ratio) promotional banners for FB Ads – Two Banners
  • Banners could be revised anytime as per needs to include/change additional messages in the banner. However, such revision will be restricted to only one type of banner in a month, maximum of 6 times revision in a year.
  • At least 200 words (maximum to 500 words) describing key message of the Ads campaign.
  • A landing website/webpage or FB page/event.

Nature of Ads

  • FB Ads: Ads to share weekly at FB Ads, alternatively at Manipurtimes FB page and FB group.
  • Col Ads: Keep in the R. Col Ads rotation along with other banners in interval of 5 seconds.
  • Header/Article Ads: Keep in the Header/Article Ads rotation along with other banners in interval of 5 seconds.

Value Added Services for MT Sponsors

  • 6 Credits of Daily Ads ( 1 credit = 7 days Daily Ads as defined in Daily Ads)
  • 2 credits of Video Ads ( 1 credit = 7 days of Video Ads)
  • 50% Descount on Daily Ads / Video Ads could be entertained as a MT sponser.
  • Two credits of Featured Ads that would be visible on the front page of Manipurtimes.com along with other featured ads from MT Endorsers/Sponsors. Two landing page like manipurtimes.com/your-company or manipurtimes.com/your-brand will be created with the materials supplied to us. Click here for an example page

How the Sponsor Ads will look like at Manipurtimes.com site

Your company logo or brand name appears on the Top of the website

In desktop or big size display smart devices


In Smaller size display Smart devices


Your company logo or brand name appears inside every articles

In desktop or big size display smart devices


In Smaller size display Smart devices


Click here to check for a live example

Key words:

  1. Col Ads: Ads to be appeared on the right column of MT website. Banner size: 300 X 225 pixel
    FB Ads : Ads to appear at MT Page (1.5 likes, 1 million monthly views) and MT Group (8K members and growing very fast); Image size : Square or rectangular (4X3 ratio) high resolution image.
    Article Ads: [Only for Brand Ads] It will appear either on top of article or 4 paragraphs of any article published in MT. All Brand Ads banners will be kept in random rotation. Banner size: 725 X 90 pixels
    Header Ads : [Only for Brand Ads] This will appear on the top of the website. This has the highest visibility as it is the only ads that will appear on the top of website even when one is viewing website using smart phones. All Brand Ads banners in will be kept in random rotation. Banner size: 725 X 90 pixels

Tariff of the MT Ads Platform

The following list the low cost tariffs of Manipurtimes Ads. This is introductory tariff valid until further notice and subject to change in anytime. It is effective from April 1, 2016.

Important Notes

  1. State/National awardees can avail 50% discount on the tariff.
  2. Startup firms with less than one year of existence can avail 50% discount on the tariff.
  3. Ads from Government Departments will be four times of the tariff.
  4. Ads from other states of India or products and services originated from other states India other than Manipur will be three times of the tariff.
  5. Announcements Ads from both Government and Private educational institutions will have the same tariff.
  6. Announcement Ads for events to be organized by the students or student bodies of a school/collage/university can avail 50% discount on the tariff

Daily Ads Tariff


Endorser Ads Tariff
* For Ads for a period for 52 weeks, advertising fee could be payable in two equal installments

Sponsor Ads Tariff

Sponsor-Ads-Tariff* For Ads for a period for 52 weeks, advertising fee could be payable in two equal installments

What/How to Submit Ads Materials and Tariff Payment

All the requirements of three types of ads – banners, ads description and landing website/page or facebook page/event should be submitted to [email protected] or through our marketing partners or directly submit to Manipurtimes office as soft copy.

Payment should be made only after the ads materials are being approved by MT office or by our marketing partners.

Ads tariff can be paid either by cash (at Manipurtimes office) or cheque (to M/S Manipurtimes). Even for the ads recommended by our marketing partners, the tariff payment must be made to Manipurtimes only.

Terms and Conditions on Hate or Negative comments

Advertisers pay fees to promote their business enterprises or the products or good services that they render to the public. Any Hate or negative comments will be deleted instantly from website or FB comments. If one really cares to submit a complaint against the business enterprises, please write to them directly or complain to consumer forum.

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