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State lad part of two leading Skateboarding Team in India, appears in ad, film industry!


Boris is taking an active role as a team member with two leading Skateboarding teams at Mumbai who are one of the pioneers in introducing the sport and working on promoting the fun and energetic game up to a level at par with excellent countries in the field. The teams are,

1. Skateboarding in Mumbai “Flippin Awesome” Founder: Russell Lopez Founded on 2010.

2. “Longboard Crew India” Founder: Nikhil Bhosale and Krishank Malik founded on Nov 2013.

Presently he is taking part in Red Bull Local Hero tour, 2014 at Waddle Mumbai where Maxim Habanec, Czech Champion will be giving us workshop.

Boris had made an appearance at a national ad and a Bollywood film doing his skating work which are about to be released soon.

Pool Skateboarding for Cinthol deodorant advertisement at Goa and “Babaji ka Thullu” a song in the film “Run Bhoomi ” which are yet to be released.

From a Skateboarding workshop one can learn the basics of longboarding like balancing, turning, sharp turns, breaking, and tackling your fear at high speeds, and falling off safely in case of emergency to minimize the injuries says Boris who was exposed to many Skateboard workshops.

Boris had performed in events like –

•           Skateboarding in Mumbai team workshop at “Kaleidoscope fest” at Shopia Women College, Peddler road.

•           Extreme Invasion, at Juhu with pro riders from across the world.

•           Workshop at Raheja College of Architecture, Bandra.

•           Team tour to Bangalore, holy stoked skate park and X – Games Arena, Sarjapur Road.

•           Many more other events across the city, town and Navi Mumbai like joint skate meet and ride meet

Boris Nongthomba, 21years of age is a resident of Oinam Bazar, Bishnupur Dist. He is in his second year of college with Karmaveer Bhauroa Patil College doing Business Management Studies.

He started with Jonex skateboard, a very cheap one which u get in almost all the sports stationary when in 5th standard and then continued till 7th standard. Quit for a very long time, almost for 5 years.

Then he got a cruiser board as a gift from his senior when he was in Higher Secondary, 12th standard. Boris was speaking exclusive about the Skateboarding scenario in the country and the prospect of the game when Manipur Times contacted him.

“I kept that board as memory, haven’t touch since yet and then came to Mumbai for further studies. When i was in 1st year, i got a proper professional skateboard (cartel skateboard ) from board rider store later which i found and joined a well-known team also the second largest team in India, skateboarding in Mumbai ( Flipping awesome).

Our team use to have skate meet every weekend at an abandoned school called Palm Beach school which is located in South Bombay, Nepean sea road. A proper spots or place to skate has been always a problem for us since people have been seeing skateboarding as bunch of thugs and even till now skateboarding culture is not that popular yet. Our skateboarding team is to promote the skate boarding culture over the country.

And talking about the longboarding, which is slightly different from skateboarding considering a very gnarly, extreme, dangerous, and exotic and which deals with speed. Nikhil Bhosale, a well-known skater from Mumbai who have been skating for years started a longboarding crew few months back named as “Longboard Crew India” which is the only crew in India so far. Consisting of 7 members, doing our longboarding, conquering hills on place called “parsik hill” which is situated at Navi Mumbai



Longboard Crew India’s motto is to spread the culture all over India, give people workshop who are enthusiast to learn this sports and help them provide safety gears and boards. To give out technical knowledge about longboards and defining the culture of longboarding in Indian way. This also includes a future plan to start an Indian longboard manufacturing company called Nightrain Longboards. This company will manufacture longboarding accessories along with promoting young long boarders to enhance their skills and reach the international standard riding to put India in longboarding map of the world. To make India a longboarding destination like South Africa, Brazil, and Spain.Skateboarding and longboarding now have become a way of life, a culture to us, we have got fame, publicity, and a little amount of monetary benefits,’ says young Boris in his enthusiastic mood.

“Skateboarding is a sport where one can feel fun, joy with our mind and body coming together as one and tending to focus on one thing (board).

I skateboard because i like to do it for my passion and as a second career option, to teach, spread and promote skateboarding and it was my dream to skateboard since i was little’, Boris continued.

Boris also does workshops and demo as a part of the team..

Message to Skaters in Manipur!

“I would like to convey a few messages to my youngster’s skaters from Manipur. The first priority that you should always keep in your mind is SAFETY…in skating, safety is in our speed! Always wear helmets, knee pads and elbow pads, hand gloves too for your more safety. Avoid traffic and please do not skate on the traffic road. Telling from my experienced i also have been in few minors and bone injuries accidents due to the traffic on the road.

You can always find a very good place where there are no vehicles running, abandoned roads, city parks, gardens, skating ring if it’s available, sports complex. And also i would like the sports authority in Manipur to provide a skate park built, making the park large enough to meet the current and future needs of this community. The park has to be free to use. It has to be challenging enough for all skill levels from beginner to expert. We want to provide a safe place for the kids to skate without the hazards of vehicle or pedestrian traffic. We want to give the youth a place where they can go to practice their sport without the worry of being asked to go somewhere else”  



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